i've missed sharing our life here and i feel badly for not posting more often especially to those who have checked back for updates and for this i have feel badly and i want to say, i'm sorry. this is a place where i share our life in words and in photos and i am behind and i don't like that feeling but i promised myself i wouldn't beat myself up and perpetuate the emotion i find myself swimming in these days: overwhelmed.
i am in the same boat as any new mom must find themselves at times...
my eyes have stung with exhaustion; my emotions behave like a pack of wild coyotes; my laundry is never done and is always at least five loads deep; i feel guilty toward my other babies and the amount of time i can't spend with them right now; nothing fits and my body isn't going back to 'normal' as quickly as i think it should be and my appetite is still on pregnancy time; and i look like death on a saltine cracker most of the time and none of this compares to the overwhelming feeling of gratitude i have for getting the chance to do this all over again. i love every minute of this even when i think i don't.
i am overwhelmed with nothing but love for my new family of five.
i am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for the healthy mini-human i am blessed to call my own.
i am happy and lucky and spending most of my time getting to know my little girl. when i'm not doing that, i'm witnessing my two older kids figure out their new roles as big brother and sister to a baby they both adore and can't get enough of.
ivy, our little surprise baby. our tagalong: she is perfect. she is everything good in this world.
she has brought us closer and taught me to learn to relax a bit more and relish each moment in the present.
the first few months of a babies life is sacred ground and i didn't want to miss a moment and so i haven't.
i've spent hours inhaling her sweetness and tracing her little bow shaped lips with my finger. i've stared deep into her eyes and analyzed every part and square inch of her perfect little body.
like a good detective, i have scanned photos and family members faces for glimpses into her physical makeup.
daddy's eyes, my nose, beckham's sweet baby face, and peyton's mouth. my mom's arms, my grandmas fingers, jeff's mom's skin color...the analysis never ends.
we are completely in love with this little lady and i am sincerely thinking that i may be the luckiest girl in the world.
i will let the photos speak as i am behind and i want to get them up here...these are from her first few weeks at home when the emotions were raw, tears of gratitude ran freely and mama's heart was moved to capacity.
we brought our surprise home after naming her only minutes before they forced us out of the hospital and into big sister's arms...
who was ready and waiting to greet us home:

we all just kinda stared at her.

beckham wanted a brother and made that known to anyone who would listen, but his disappointment was soon forgotten...

peyton though, surprised us all. no jealousy. just happiness and one rule:
the rule states that peyton gets to hold the baby over all visitors and friends if she asks because she is the big sister.
the first days of a babies life are magical.

i was tired but the little body that weighted my arms a bit kept me excited and invigorated. her cries called for me and i was ready to breathe her in all over again.

and i never wanted to be away from her. ever. not even for one second.

the first week was barely over and we visited dr. foley for ivy's first appt.

dr. foley said she was perfect, but mama needed to go home and go right to bed! i love her for calling my house ten minutes later to see if i followed orders! i did.

auntie hi-o rushed to florida to meet ivy and lavish peyton and beckham with extra love. she helped me so much and i hope she knows how amazing i think she is.

she cooked and played fireman with beckham too.

then, ivy's godmother and my best friend took the most beautiful photos of our little one and i will forever cherish them.

thank you, auntie kelle. i love you.

first bath

ivy's 'oh' face.

auntie jenn.

she's been the sun and the moon these days and watching peyton and beckham with her is the cherry on top.
*okay, i have about 1000 more photos to post, but i will stop here tonight and post more in a couple of days as i am trying to catch up!
**for those of you asking for recipes, i will begin posting as soon as i catch up with photos, hopefully within the month!
***on this post and next, there will be a giveaway!
TWO lucky readers will receive a nest necklace as pictured below:

i have worn mine since melody sent me mine. it even went into the delivery room with me. it was a great way to have peyton and beckham with me when they couldn't be.
mine has three eggs inside the nest, one for each little in my life! i LOVE it and i receive so many compliments on it. i have started giving these away as gifts and even gave my one. hers has six eggs though...holla.
please leave a comment and i will pull a winner from them in a couple of days. AND if you don't win that one, i will be giving another one away on my next post this week.
the winner will receive one necklace with as many eggs as you need.
if you would like to see more of melody's items, please visit her etsy store here. she has some really cool stuff but her nest ring and necklaces are my fave.
1 – 200 of 240 Newer› Newest»Oh Heidi these photos are so beautiful! What a precious gift Ivy is.
I have missed your posts, but totally understand where your priorities lie at the moment.
Her "oh" face is adorable. Well actually she's just adorable full stop.
What time is it over there, I'm a Dr too, So I'll be like Dr Foley and let you know you've got 10 minutes to head to bed! Too bad I'm just a "tree" doctor! ;)
What gorgeous photos of such a precious, beautiful wee girl. You look amazing Heidi, I hope you are getting some more sleep now - I remember the lack of sleep so well! Can't wait to see more photos xx
Just up for a pee break and a tum, this post is my reality in a few short weeks. 37 weeks today and ready to welcomely newest babe. the exhaustion is clearly shown, but the light of love is what clearly gets us thru. I will come back and read this over the coming weeks. Hugs, you are blessesd momma...continue to enjoy the ride! Xo
Ivy is absolutely beautiful!
Lovely photos of your family and dear friends.
Hi heidi... Im so excited that you blogged, ive been dying to see more pictures of your gorgeous Ivy....so happy your adoring theae early few months, they are moments to remember always... Try and sleep as much as you can, but as a mama too i sooooo know its almost impossible.... Cant wait for more posts, but take your time.... Xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
What a precious update. Although, from the outside you would never know, I don't blame you for feeling overwhelmed. I have one child, and I still feel that way. I will never forget how the first month after my son was born was the hardest time of my life. Not because I wasn't happy (I was over the moon in love, and so thankful for all the wonderful things in my life), I just felt extremely exhausted and alone. Luckily, things do settle down eventually. Beautiful pictures!! Hugs to you and your sweet family. P.S. You look just like Marion Cotillard (who played Miranda), in the new Batman movie!! I saw it a few days ago, and immediately thought of you! <3
Such a beautiful baby and family. Congrats again on your little girl!
Nice to see your gourgeous pictures. She is amazingly cute. And you, you look so wonderful!
God bless.
What a beautiful little family you have. Cherish every second as they grow up too quickly.
I've been here almost every day and today was a great "you're back" surprise.
Your pictures are beautiful.
God Bless Ivy!
Beautiful family, glad to see you back & no worries the body will get back to where it should be
You take the most beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Congratulations on your new little one.
I cried reading this like big soppy tears. What a beautiful story and the pictures were heavenly as always.
Welcome back! Ivy is a gorgeous baby & I love seeing her pictures on Instagram :) Glad you've been neglecting the blog and loving on her...enjoy the rest of your time in MI!
Ivy is just beautiful. And seeing Peyton and Beckham with her reminds me why I want to give my little one a sibling...hopefully soon. What a wonderful family you have.
So happy to see your update. Congrats on your beautiful addition to your family. Enjoy every precious moment.
YAY a new beautiful post!! Your happiness shines in every pictures! The pictures are gorgeous!
Love the pictures!! And what a cute name!! We didn't name our second girl until the last minute. :)
Melody's nest pieces are my fav!!!!
Thank goodness for instagram so I can stalk you on the daily ;)
Thank you for being an inspiration!!!
beautiful family! so happy to see pictures-but sleep is all important!
Oh, that little girl is breathtaking! With our fourth--and last--on the way, seeing the pictures of your other littles loving on your sweet little Ivy makes my heart all fluttery. Congratulations, mama!
Ivy is precious and the love that you can see through your photos is beautiful!
Absolutely beautiful family! All three of your babes are gorgeous, those brown eyes could just make you melt. Any mom knows exactly how those first few months are, and you explained them so well... raw! Reading this post and looking at the pictures are not serving as good birth control though! ;)
Those scrumptious newborns truly do turn worlds upside down. She is beautiful your Ivy. Every photo made me smile. X ashley
Your pictures are breathtaking! I'm so glad you posted. I've been following you forever. I'm a huge fan of Melody too! Her art is fantastic!
You can tell how happy and content you are through your photos and I love tat. I love reading blogs that are real and down to earth. Yours is one of them!
This is my first time on your blog and your pictures are beautiful. I also follow kelle and melody. I have loves those necklaces and I would love one with 5 little eggs in it. Thank you for the chance to win one!!
Beautiful pictures of all your kids. I am due with my 3rd in November and this post just reminded me to soak up these last few months with my two boys. It also reminded me how sweet and precious a newborn is. So glad to see you posting again!
What a beautiful family you have :)
Love all of these photos, Ivy is Beautiful! You have such a Beautiful family!
What a beautiful baby girl ! I love all those pictures.. Enjoy your little one..My youngest is almost 2 and it goes by so darn fast.
Beautiful photos of you beautiful family! Ivy is simply gorgeous.
So glad to see you back!Pictures are wonderful as are your children!
Such beautiful pictures! I can't wait to has my very first little one!!! Thanks for sharing your life with us!
Precious photos! Ivy is breath taking!
First time on your blog. I love all the pictures of little ivy. So precious. Thanks for sharing.
First time on your blog. I love all the pictures of little ivy. So precious. Thanks for sharing.
I have been following you on Instagram and love seeing all your beautiful pictures, but the first few months with a new baby are just so magical! I also welcomed my third baby to our family on March 17th so I can relate to everything here in your post... From not brushing my teeth, feeling guilty, but most if all feeling overwhelmed with so much love
You have the most precious family! My Leah (2nd baby) was born in January and I have been so much more relaxed with her as well. The baby stage is such a precious one!
What a sweet little family you have. Thanks for sharing.
I am mommy of two boys here in Greece and I like the way you thinking.God bless your family and be healthy to see you and your husby your children adults with their children.
I'm somewhat new to your blog. I thInk I've asked you on IG like 50 million times when your gonna post on your blog. Let's see, I feel like I know you, as I have read as far back as I can while I nurse my baby. All my friends are done with growing their familys so I'm in a boat all of my own, maybe that's why I love your blog. There's a connection. Also, I have possibly unsuccessfully made some of your recipes soley based on what it looks like and your brief description. Still waiting for the hook up on some of those amazing meals. And I'm a bit surprised that I was not one of the first to post! Couldn't believe 33 people posted before me! Love the pictures!
Vicki (vickiniki33)
Hi Heidi! Love seeing the pics and glad to read the update. Been following you on Instagram (I'm rogogirl) and love to see all the updated pics. Also this necklace is gorgeous...hope to own one myself one day with 2 little eggs in it :)
I have been drooling forever over the necklaces and your pictures on instagram. So score to have you both join forces.
Your pictures are beautiful, thank you so much for sharing so many :) and I look forward to new blog posts!
Gorgeous photos of a gorgeous baby!
I adore that necklace.
Beautiful post, beautiful photos. I love how you explained that feeling of bringing home the third baby - overwhelmed in so many amazing ways, which all combine into one giant feeling of joy and gratitude and feelings of being very, very blessed.
You and your family are absolutely beautiful! I'm happy you are cherishing each moment! I know from experience...it does fly by so quickly. Makes me almost want a 3rd...almost....mine are 6 & 7 and we are still tired ha.
I love that you are so open with what you are going though. We just brought home a new addition to our family and your post really hit home. Thanks for sharing. Kara
Yay! I've been waiting for this for weeks!!! She is just as perfect as ever. So happy for y'all. Can't believe she's already 20 weeks!! The photos are amazing. Y'all are blessed. Xo
Oh my gosh. She is such a doll. You and Kelle take the most lovely photographs. I hope one day I can find someone to capture such sweet moments on camera when I have a little of my very own!!
Oh so wonderful to hear your words again. Ivy is a living doll. xoxo
Ivy is just gorgeous! I love the ones with her and her siblings!
My baby, Lila, is just a few months older than Ivy, and I would love to have a piece that represents all four of my kids! :)
It is amazing to see how your big babies love your sweet little one and have grown very comfortable in their big sibling roles. I can only hope that my big girl will do the same once her baby brother gets here in September. Beautiful photos and loved reading this post!
Sleepless nights and feeling overwhelmed, I can remember the day. I wish that I would have soaked more in now that I look back. You, Ivy and the rest of the family are gorgeous.
Yay for updates! Gorgeous photos of your beautiful family. Congratulations!
I love all the photos! Such a special gift. You're a very lucky girl, ms. Heidi! PS You look amazing...
your ivy is adorable and she goes right along with your entire beautiful family. you can see the love in all of your eyes. What an amazing family.
love the necklace
56 comments? Oh my, you're a rockstar, mama! I love this post and get where you're coming from, as most mamas do :) The pics of fresh Ivy are beautiful. So glad you've got your priorities in order... as there is no going back in time! Enjoy your last weeks in MI and drink them in, all three of your babes. Love seeing the sneaks into your life via Instagram, what a great app that is! Sending much love your way...
BEAUTIFUL pictures and sentiments! "I love it even when I don't" YES!!! You kind of make me wish I could have an oops 3rd baby! ;)
Yay!! a new post!! my husband thinks im crazy but I love the first 3 weeks of babys life. There is def something magical about those days.
You make me want another one! :) I have been following you in IG for a while, and just love the pictures of your beautiful children. It's funny how you can start to feel like you know someone you've never met ;)
It seems to me that you are doing an outstanding job, Mama!
-Lisa (Seattle)
Oh how i have missed your blog :-) You look AH MAZING. Ivy is precious. And I have been wanting one of those necklaces forever!
Such an amazing time, I'm glad you've been soaking it up and not blogging. ;) I love that necklace, it's such a great piece of jewelry!
Missed you soooo Heidi! She is so beautiful and I love all the pics. A family of five suits you all and you were blessed with this surprise.
You have a beautiful family! Your photos are precious. I am expecting my third child in November. Your newborn photos make me so excited!
Hey Momma,
I am so glad you have been soaking in all those wonderful baby moments. That is exactly right where you should be! You hit on so many of the same feeling I have about our little tag along. Every moment feels like a bonus gift. To this day I still get that feeling. "Bonus- you get to do the first day of school one more time!" is the bonus phase we are at now. I still look at her daily and say thank you, because I am so grateful that she is in spite our efforts to ensure that no more were.
Keep enjoying momma. I'll gladly wait months for another post, knowing your days are full of wonderful, exhausting, joyful family.
Oh Heidi! I love your precious Ivy girl so much. I look forward to your pictures on IG. We can't wait to meet our third baby at the end of December.
Beautiful photos and a beautiful family! Can't wait for all your new blogs to come!
You have such a beautiful family! I read your posts intently and cherish every word so that I can apply your lovingness into my own world & the lives of those around me. Peyton, Beckham and Ivy are all stunning & you can see the adoration they have for each other shining in your photos. They will be so cherished when they grow up. Much love to you and your beautiful family xo
She is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing pictures with us, I am sure you are busy as can be! We are getting ready to add baby #2 at the end of the year and I can't wait to snuggle a newborn even more now after looking at these pictures!! Don't be so hard on yourself...your weight and rest will eventually come together when she is more independent and doesn't need you as much so enjoy those snuggles as much as you can now!!
What a CUTIEPIE she is!! Makes me so excited to meet my 3rd baby in a few short months (due in November). I'm so glad you have been taking the time to ignore your blog and just enjoy that baby! :)
WOOT!! Love seeing you pop up on my blog update roll!! Honey, no apologizing! You are getting to know a sweet new baby, spending time with your big kids, and enjoying that family of 5! You look beautiful, Ivy is precious, and I am so happy to see all these photos! ((hugs)) Mama!!
Beautiful kids! Thanks for sharing. I've always wanted a nest necklace and actually had a dream about one last night, so weird.
so precious, I miss those first months so much as I reflect on my 3 months of maternity leave that ended almost exactly a year ago. seems so long ago, yet like yesterday at the same time.
so precious, I miss those first months so much as I reflect on my 3 months of maternity leave that ended almost exactly a year ago. seems so long ago, yet like yesterday at the same time.
so precious, I miss those first months so much as I reflect on my 3 months of maternity leave that ended almost exactly a year ago. seems so long ago, yet like yesterday at the same time.
so precious, I miss those first months so much as I reflect on my 3 months of maternity leave that ended almost exactly a year ago. seems so long ago, yet like yesterday at the same time.
What a perfect day for this giveaway. Today is my mom's birthday, and she also has three little ones, I'm the baby at 24. I would love to give her this. Thanks Heidi.
Loved your post! Makes me think about when my Dex was that tiny- he just turned one! I can't believe it!
Thank you for sharing your mommy-joys! I love seeing people who love and appreciate being a momma as much as I do!
I love that necklace! So beautiful
I'm loving all the new pics! I was overwhelmed when I had my first child 10 months ago so I can't imagine what having 3 kids is like!?
Also, you look amazing in the pics Kelle took...it took me awhile to slap some makeup on!
I'd love this necklace with my one perfect little egg in it!
so happy to see these new photos, but even happier that you took the time to live the moments - we can all wait, new babies can't ! ...you did good, Mama !! oxox
Such a sweet baby girl! She is so loved!
Ivy is just precious! I have loved following you on instagram & seeing her grow. Our surprise #3 is due in a few weeks & this post made me so excited for his/her arrival! Love the necklace!
So glad to see your update! Ivy is just precious.
Loved all the beautiful photos! I can't believe how fast time is flying...
80 comments! Wowza~u b missed!! Loved the post~didn't want it to end.
Ivy is stunning & looks so much like her sister & brother. You guys make gorgeous babies! Glad to have you back, Heidi. Enjoy the rest of the summer
Oh, the pictures are beautiful! :)
Wow, What absolutely precious, sweet pictures! Ivy is a beautiful child! Loved reading this post:)
Oh yeah..you are back! Beautiful photos!
Heidi, How are you holding up my beautiful niece? Seems you have your hands full, but with the right stuff! lol Baby Ivy is getting more beautiful each and every day, as the other two are. You seem to be doing an amazing job by the pictures! Love them all! Hope to see you soon , ok Miss and love you , Aunt Kim xxoo
Beautiful post well worth the wait. My kids are about the same age range as yours and you may find it hard to believe but it keeps getting better and better...crazy I know!
Beautiful family! Nothing sweeter than seeing your kids step into the sibling role!
Beautiful family and pics to prove it. Enjoy this time. Necklace is a great why to symbolize it all!! Great idea.
ohh.emmm.gee Heidi! Such beautiful, beautiful pictures of you and your loved ones. I have watched Ivy grown on IG and it astounds me how time has moved forward. I, too, am in the overwhelmed state but I try to breathe in deeply with my own 3 little loves. My third was a surprise also. She is the one that makes me stop and pause and try to make those memories linger because it can be so fleeting. Thank you for sharing! <3
What a beautiful baby girl, and a beautiful mama, too! I'm currently having a ball with my precious new 9-week old baby boy, and watching him with his big almost-2-year-old brother is such a joy. Congrats to you and your family!!
I couldn't put in in words how much joy fills my heart when I see all of you together! You are truly blessed as they are blessed to have u! I LOVE LOVE LOVE how the pics are just so natural and my most fav one of you nursing Ivy in the field with the sun showing your natural Highlights in your hair! Its speaks voloumes and it says I am a Mama! I miss u guys so much I have my own guys and the nest egg mecklace is beautiful I want to have one made with 4 eggs one for wach of my guys! Tell Jeff I said Hi and kiss the kids for me, and urself lol... xoxoxo
beautiful pictures and beautiful kiddos and beautiful mama. and beautiful necklace. i'd love to win one. :)
I would love to win this. It's beautiful!!
I was working sorry for the bad spelling! lol xoxoxo
I am so glad you are blogging again- but making family your priority ;) It is amazing to watch a family grow. Thank you for opening your life to us in such an honest, fun way!
Most of us have been watching ivy grow on instagram for the last five months so no need to be sorry! beautiful family Heidi!
Reading your blog today made me realize how precious(and fast) our time is with our babies. I admire you,or anyone for that matter, who can eloquently write about their lives. I am a terrible with words on paper. I 'd do much better talking in person.
I am glad to have met you this past year and spent time with you. I look forward to more in the future.
Enjoy your time up north and I look forward to seeing you when you return south.
Brooke Sykes
So lovely to see those that newborn baby again. I've been privileged to watch her grow on IG. What a great post. And what a gorgeous family.
A fabulous giveaway. I'm not sure I qualify from England. Glad to hear 6 eggs would fit though if I am lucky enough to win!
You are a magical mama
Sarah x thepitts on IG
Love this!! Your pictures are beautiful!!! That Ivy is something special and you can tell by the pictures just how much she is loved. 3 is defintely an adjustment. I remember bringing mine home. It was a little crazy for while but now he is 2 1/2 and I can't really even remember the chaos. Enjoy her because it does go by so fast. Glad you are blogging again!!
Such beautiful pictures and your words made me cry. I just found out we are finally pregnant again. I am hoping to relive all the sweet hectic days in nine months. Thanks for sharing Ivy, she is truly precious!
Just beautiful! Your photos make me tear up as the weeks unfold. You family is precious and you look great mama! Thanks for sharing with us! Many blessing being sent your way. :)
Beautiful story and pictures, as always. I love that necklace.
Such great pictures!! Your family is beautiful ! Thank you for sharing! :)
Beautiful post and beautiful photos! I totally understand the feeling of falling behind with a new little one at home! Thanks for sharing Heidi!
Lovely family!
Congrats on the new little love! She is sweet and so are the other two :).
Beautiful pics, beautiful baby!! I would love one of those necklaces for my Mom who has 7 kids!
I am so happy to see this post! Loved it.
Ivy is precious! Love that pic. with Dr. Foley holding her up!! Hope you're all adjusting well, but it looks like you are. :-0
Kara Brown
Oh my goodness, she is precious! As a new mom of two (my daughter is 4months) I know the feeling of never catching up on things that need to be done. But as u say- I don't want to miss out on her being a baby so I let other things slide.. I love the outfits in the pictures kelle took, did u buy it or has someone made it for u? Beautiful in any case'!
Love the bird egg necklace!! So beautiful!!
Maria (dag2dag)
Happy to see you back! Miss Ivy is precious and I love following you on Instagram. My Norah is just a few weeks younger than her. <3 What gorgeous photos you've got! I'm lacking in that area, so this is inspiring to me. I need to make an effort to take more "real" pictures in the madness of having two kids under three. :)
Welcome back!
I have been following you over on Instagram.
What a beautiful baby! I missed your updates, but I honestly thought, good for her, she's taking the time she needs.
So precious! I can't wait forks srcond little girls arrival this fall.
Yay! long anticipated post. loved all the pictures and would love a necklace of my very own!
lovely photos!!! your little Ivy is so cute!!!!
you look a wonderfl mama!!
What a gorgeous baby and gorgeous mama! I can't wait to win, I'll need 5 eggs ;)
Yay...I'm so happy to have found your blog...love your photos...and congrats on your super sweet little Ivy!!
Ivy is just too cute! Thank you for sharing with us! I remember worrying about my older 2 kidddos when baby #3 was on the way, I was so worried they would feel left out, and resent us for adding another member to our family, but it really is amazing to me how much love really does come with that new bundle. I still sit back and watch them take him in (2 years later) they truly enjoy every moment with him! Much love to you all!
YAY!! A new post!! So happy to read along and see what you've been up to. Seriously beautiful pictures! Can't wait to see what you post next :)
Angie from Ohio/angiepics on Instagram
Sigh, I want another baby!
Beautiful family!!! Makes me want another one;)
Just found your.og. Perfect timing!!
Heidi I am so excited that you have posted again. I kept checking back hoping you had. I love the photos of your gorgeous family and I adore the fact that you have taken time above all else to take in every moment with little Ivy. You are one lucky mumma. I cannot wait to see more photos. Cassie x
Simply love keeping up with you and your sweet family. You make me want to have another baby!!!!
Congratulations on little Miss Ivy. They really are a blessing.
I too have a little one 3mths old, and just like you I can not have enough of him. Thanx for sharing and cant wait to see and try those delicious recipes you keep posting on IG.
Heidi, there is no need to be sorry, you are doing what Mama does best, and that's taking care and lovin those 3 little ducklings. Beautiful post.
Found you through Kelle Hampton's blog and IG! Love reading about your friendship! Reminds me of me and my bestie!! Congrats on sweet Ivy! You have a beautiful family!
These are so beautiful Heidi. I wouldn't feel bad about blogging....you post daily on Instagram and that is an awesome solution for a tired new momma. So happy to follow along in your sweet family's journey.
I just recently started reading your blog and i have to say you have a beautiful family. Love your photos and your love for life. Your new little surprise is beautiful!!!!!
Oh Heidi! How we've missed you so! Thank goodness for Instagram -- geesh! The photos are breathtaking and so worth the wait. Welcome back -- love reading how you express yourself through words and photos! Looking forward to hearing more from you! You are one blessed mama indeed!
I miss you all so much, glad your having a great time with your family...BUT GET YOUR BUTT HOME...XO
I love the picture of baby ivy at the doctor's office holding up her little hand. Adorable!
Beautiful post... I started following your blog from reading Kelle's. Ivy is precious. I wish you and Kelle would do photo tutorials or online classes! (in your spare time...ha!)
Lovely post. It's so refreshing to see how happy your older two are with Ivy - I see them protecting her for years to come. Thanks for sharing the photos and words.
What a beautiful post and a beautiful life. Your three babes are so very precious. So glad you are soaking in every moment and every gift this special time brings. But don't forget to take care of yourself too, mama. The brushing teeth and showers can wait but the sleep is essential!!!
Yay for your return post! Glad you're back! We're expecting our very first little this December & I love reading about precious little Ivy and your moments as a family together- gives me so much to look forward to!
Yay for your return post! Glad you're back! We're expecting our very first little this December & I love reading about precious little Ivy and your moments as a family together- gives me so much to look forward to!
Every time I see you post here or on instagram I am in awe of how you juggle everything. You take the most amazing pictures, and have the most beautiful family. Love how you share your beautiful family and your personal times with us. Amazing how 7 nearly 8 years ago we where blessed with our beautiful children xxxx
Nice to hear how things are going Heidi! I love the pictures of your whole family loving Ivy - that is so awesome! I can't wait to hear and see more of your 3 gorgeous babies!
Oh don't feel guilty mama for dropping the blog! All things in good time; showers and sleep will become a normal occurrence again. Weight will come off. An that overwhelmed feeling is a part of being a mama you know.
My heart is so happy for you. I wish that I had another surprise to soak in the babiness all over again. Oh the details, the little wrinkles in the folds of skin, and the perfect little fingernails. I think that experience from even having one child allows you to slow down the second or third time around. And the pix from Kelle are simply stunning. What a gift - her friendship and her talents.
And when you mentioned the sun and the moon, it reminded me of what I say to Alex every night: I love you more than the sun and the sky, the stars and the moon, and chocolate and cake.
I remember friends telling me that there's nothing like having a child, but their comments could never capture the depth of how it really is. Happy birth day mommy.
Glad to see you are back!!! you look amazing and baby Ivy is a beauty!! is she sitting in a bumbo already??!!! time flies:)
So glad to see the blog updated and to see all of the adorable pictures of Ivy, Beckham, and Peyton :) Such a beautiful family!
What beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing her first days. They are some of the most sacred times of life, in my opinion!
That baby...so adorable!
I am due with my first (our second - our son is 11) five weeks from today and seeing Ivy's newborn pictures made me so excited for that day to arrive!
I have been admiring the nest necklaces for some time and am excited at the chance to win one!
Nice to see you back!! What a gorgeous family you have!!
This just makes me smile all over. The joy I am sure you feel getting to experience your two older kids with your sweet little nuggets has to be overwhelming. What a tremendous blessing. I am so happy that Ms ivy is doing so well. And you are looking fabulous girl! Many hugs and thanks for the update!
Good God you always make me cry! Such beautiful photos. So much love. I think it is wise to rest and focus on being mama when baby first comes, the internet can wait and trust me each post no matter the gap is always worth the wait! Now go back and rest xxxxx
I love looking at your instagram
pic so much..I have 4 daughters and they make my heart just skip when I still get hugs from them.
It never gets old, no matter the age of your children or when the
g-children come.....
Thank you for just being a good mom to your kids...memories of a great home life they will have.
Your family is so beautiful and I love the photos that both you and Kale take! Congratulations on your new addition!
Sorry - that should have said "Kelle" :)
Gorgeous photos Heidi! I follow you on IG as well, so I get my Ivy fix daily, but this was a nice way to spend my morning while drinking coffee! :)
Can't wait to see the rest of the photos you have to post!
Heidi! I so adore the pictures of your new family of 5, they are absolutely precious. We are a family of 4 and lately i have been feeling the pull to add another little to our nest. I wish the decision were easy, but unfortunately my body does not do well towards the end of pregnancy and we have had 2 premature (healthy now, thank God) and some scares with my health during that time. I think a little "surprise" might do us some good, then we wouldn't be able to over think it ;) Thanks for sharing these words and photos. Hugs from Michigan, kelly
Heidi! I so adore the pictures of your new family of 5, they are absolutely precious. We are a family of 4 and lately i have been feeling the pull to add another little to our nest. I wish the decision were easy, but unfortunately my body does not do well towards the end of pregnancy and we have had 2 premature (healthy now, thank God) and some scares with my health during that time. I think a little "surprise" might do us some good, then we wouldn't be able to over think it ;) Thanks for sharing these words and photos. Hugs from Michigan, kelly
A nest necklace would be perfect as I am 21 weeks along with my first! Congrats on your beautiful family of 5...however, your post made me so nervous! Our lives are sure going to change as we welcome baby #1! Eek! I'm so excited!
Beautiful ... and I'm happy you posted again because I was getting worried :)
Beautiful ... and I was happy you posted because I was getting worried.
Beautiful baby...beautiful family...beautiful necklac e! Thanks for sharing ....
Lovely photos!
Your ivy is beautiful. Gorgeous family. I'm amazed at how much they change those first few months.
Yay, Heidi! I'm so happy to see a blog update. Don't worry about not posting often -- these gorgeous photos totally made up for it! Besides, you have three babies - you're obviously busy! I am in love with the pictures of you and baby Ivy in the woods. The close-up of her, with her big beautiful eyes, is perfect. I hope you plan to frame that one! I'm looking forward to more posts, including those recipes you share on IG. :)
gorgeous photos and congrats...she is beautiful!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
Hi, Heidi, I cannot wait for your food recipes..whenever I see you post something you created on IG I am here wishing I could sample your meals or better yet, make them for my family. Love the necklace too!! so pretty!
sorry, forgot to leave my name!
Hi, Heidi, I cannot wait for your food recipes..whenever I see you post something you created on IG I am here wishing I could sample your meals or better yet, make them for my family. Love the necklace too!! so pretty!
So, so sweet! I am glad you posted, I have been wondering how you and your party of 5 are doing. Congrats - she is so beautiful!
Im one of your followers on IG, but was a blog followerer first :) your tagalong is perfect! my own little tagalong is due in 6weeks, and we are considering calling her Ivy after iv "awwwww"d over your sweet one! thanks for the update
Great update, Heidi! Little Ivy is so sweet and adorable. It's hard to believe my little tagalong was that tiny a whole year ago!
Love your update and as always, all the photos are gorgeous. You're a lucky lady!
I love the way you put your words together, you express the gritty reality while never making it seem like you would change any of the beautiful crazyness. Love that. Your family is so blessed to have you.
P.S. you are stunning, don't you dare forget that.
Love love love your post! The pictures are amazing, thanks for sharing your life with us.
Those necklaces are beautiful btw, I've never seen anything like it!
oh Sweet Heidi, you are a beautiful mommy with an adorable family... truly you are a miracle. My 3 live in Japan, Thailand and West Virginia while I miss them in Oregon... the time will fly!
Congrats to you all :)
Hugs and love from Woodburn.
Gretchen Gear
You are such a beautiful mama and an inspiring woman! Your family is precious and little Ivy is a gem - she is so well-loved :)
I'd love to win one - I'm not a mama but I've been wanting to give one to my mama, she would LOVE one! xoxo
I always like reading your post. You make me feel normal for being behind on my laundry for all the emotions that go with being a new mom. Thanks for sharing your pictures! Ivy is adorable. Congrats on your family of five.
loved all the pics. sweet ivy is precious, along with your other sweet babies! glad you are taking time to soak up each moment. my oldest is 16, sniff....
Incredible photos of an incredible family...you are truly blessed to have them....and they are truly blessed to have you x
Hi heidi, your litle IVY is soooo precious! And so are P and B too! Love your pictures, especially the ones Kelle took....so adorable! Would love to win a necklace!
Stephanie V.
such gorgeous photos - i have been waiting to see more! you look beautiful. and that necklace - it's a beaut!
so glad to see you catching up! i've been hoping for an update, but totally remember how nuts-o those first few months were! i've loved following you on instagram though!
rest up, enjoy your "tagalong" and your two big kids! :)
is beckham going to kindergarten this fall? my "baby" is and although i'm excited about it, i'm a little sad he's getting so big!
What a perfect addition to your family. You have a trifecta of beautiful children. Congrats Heidi!
Gorgeous, gorgeous photos. What wonderful memories of her first weeks at home you have!
Love the photos. Gorgeous!
I love that newborn time. Beautiful.
So adorable!!!
congratulations on sweet Ivy's arrival! Our own #3 is due in February, and we can't wait.
Your daughter is beautiful! Congratulations! And I love your nest necklace - so cute!
I have to admit, I have been one of those waiting for a new post! My 3rd child was born around the same time little Ivy was born. It's exciting to see them growing and thriving!
welcome back; we've missed you! no guilt allowed though...soaking up every minute with your 3 little ones is the most important commitment ever. your fans will wait, and so will your skinny jeans, lol! as a mama of soon-to-be 7 kids (hollaback!!) i can totally relate to those mixed feelings of wanting it all, hoping i'm paying each one enough attention, missing my pre-baby body, wondering when the laundry will ever be finished (the real answer? NEVER.), etc, etc. thanks for sharing those magical first weeks & months of miss ivy's life. your kids are adorable, clearly adored by you & daddy, and you are positively glowing with love. success on every level! xoxox
Beautiful mama, beautiful baby, beautiful family and beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing.
I would LOVE one1
OK...I think you and Kelle should experience the preggo thing together. What do you say? You can pop out baby #4 when she pops out baby #3 this winter! :)
Seriously, congrats! Gorgeous family!!!
So happy you are back posting!!! I will need 3 - in March :)
So happy to see you back! Great photos and beautiful family!!
So happy to see you back on here! What a sweet little girl and a beautiful family!
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