when i hear my mommy friends or my sisters ask, "so, what are you going to do for mother's day?" it always startles me. i am a mother and for that reason alone, i get to be {officially} celebrated one day a year.
when i hear 'mother's day', i think about my own mom and how we kids used to piece together a breakfast made of burnt eggs, toast, and pancakes. proudly we would surround her, eagerly waiting to hear how much she enjoyed her blackened breakfast.
now, i am the mother and i realize that it is me that will be the honoree of the day and it feels...good and i feel special. and the kids feel special too. for days daddy has been explaining what mother's day is and the kids know that they each have unique jobs to do in order to make the day a proper success.
i can only imagine that they feel like they are a part of something really important and for that reason alone, i love mother's day. that and the fact that i get to sleep in that morning.
i have only celebrated 7 of these days, but one thing i remember from each and every one of them...it all starts with early morning cuddles. bed head and all, i get extra hugs and kisses and this year was no different except that i had an extra body in bed with me this year...our little ivy joined her brother and sister and gave extra mama lovins.
i can't resist: i know i am a mess here, but i wanted to remember this exactly as it happened. me...a real mess when they hopped into bed with me before jeff grabbed the cam for our photo shoot!

every year (except maybe last year when mama had a little too much fun the night before mom's day) we go to isle of capri to celebrate mother's day...it's one of my favorite places to be and this year especially, i couldn't wait to pack up our crew and head on over to the familiar beach speckled with friends and other kids i love.

beckham came down with a fever, so jeff stayed with him so i could go to IOC for sunset. so peyton, ivy and i made the drive to the beach and made it in time to dig in the sand a bit before the sky began darkening with lightening filled clouds.
it was epic as it was ivy's first time on the isle.

my girls and i were hangin' and it felt good. it was good to be back on this beloved beach. it was good to feel the wind and see the palms swaying in the sky.
kids were digging and carrying pals. peyton was collecting shells and looking for crabs. i was craving a piece of fried grouper and a cold beer and one of my kids was almost always needing me for something. it. was. perfect.
i can say that all the work of packing up the car and making the trip to the beach is always worth the effort. always.
on the way home, the baby was crying, we were tired, bug bitten, sweaty, and full of sand when peyton asked me, "did we have a girls mothers' day, mama?"
i smile as tears sting my tired eyes.
"we sure did, sweetheart. we sure did."
and in that moment, a wave of gratitude washes over me. gratitude for these little beings that i call my own. i feel proud to be the mother to three kids that may one day take their own littles to a darkened beach at the end of a day to dance in the sand, chase lost rainbows, and eat fried fish.

this was my first time making a trip to the beach with a newbie and it was a little harder than i thought, so friends took turns loving on the little lady.

aside from being tired. completely whipped of energy and badly needing a makeover and a live in healthy cooking chef...i am so happy.
mother's day 2012 was the best mother's day to date. not because of where i was but because of who i have at home, in my bed each and every morning. three monkeys that love their mama. my babies. my life.
peyton, beckham, and little ivy.
happy mother's day to all of you wonderful mamas out there. we are doing it ladies. we are doing it. making memories and building people. there is not a more important job than this.
feels good to be back
next post, a nest egg necklace giveaway from a very talented jewlery maker.