i was.
i read this somewhere recently and it totally resonated with me.
before i was an actual parent with an actual child of my own, i could solve any tantrum or crisis perfect-ly. i could rest easily at any gathering involving babies, kids, teens and think that i had it all figured out.

i would KNOW what to do in given situations. if i saw a parent scolding or parenting in a way that i felt could have been done in a more efficient or loving manner...i would totally (to myself) play out how i would have done it.

and it would of been better. not from experience, of course. i was just ignorant. or innocent if you will, in the ways of the parenting world.
i feel differently now, of course. i bow to any good parent just trying his or her best. we are in this together. half the time, i haven't a clue so i just go back to love. just love them and they will be just fine.
so, my baby boy started kindergarten this week. tears. sigh. where has the time gone?
it feels like i just sent my baby girl to kindergarten. please see meltdown here.
like the beginning of any school year, it all started with the perfect backpack and carefully chosen outfit, and an extra special packed lunch. it's like trying to pack that peanut butter and jelly next to a ziploc bag full of confidence, bravery, and love from home. enough love to make them feel secure and happy.

the night before the first day is a bit weird. it's exciting, scary, and sad all at the same time.

yes, i know i look exhausted in these. it's because i am.

and i can never say enough...
"i'll be there to pick you up right after school. i can't wait!"
it's the only thing i can control after i drop my babies off at the school doors. i'll be here for you. don't worry.
there was some anxiety. a little heartbreak. i miss him terribly but he loves it! he loves his teacher, his friends, and his new life a real 'big boy!'
when i said goodbye to him that first morning. he kissed me and walked away and just when i thought he was too excited to give me more face time, he turned around and turned into my little baby again. he jumped into my arms and said in a small and sweet voice, "i love you, mama. i'll miss you." he cupped my face and smiled longer than usual and he turned back and blew me a kiss. "mama, did you get it?"
"i got it, buddy. it's right here in my pocket. did you get mine?"
"in my pocket!" he patted his backside and i struggled with the tears and a few fell as he walked away.
then, i cried all morning. i called my mom and she laughed at me and told me to get a grip and then just like that...my normal changed. two kids in school.
and our girl. well, she's a second grader. we are so proud of her. i just wish for her an amazing year with new friends and a fun teacher. i know this will be a big growing year for her and we know she will be great. we adore your sweet heart, peyton.

i wasn't able to get the three hundred photos i wanted. having three kids is quite a bit more challenging, but we are getting in our groove, i think!

we are lucky to be in a school with so many friends that love our kids.

*my computer keeps freezing up, so i have to stop here and take it in but not before i post the winnerS of the nest necklaces that you can find here.
melody's nest egg necklaces are beautiful and such a convo piece. when she sent me mine, i wore it for months while i was pregnant. even in the delivery room. it was a way to have peyton and becks with me even when they couldn't be.

yes, i'm huge and i would do anything to be that huge again;)

because i took so long to choose a winner, i am giving away TWO necklaces today instead of one as well as another Nest Egg Giveaway which i will choose on next post. Please leave a comment to enter.
for now, the winners were (generated by random.org)
Eva Marie
Congrats!! ladies, please send me your email addresses!
happy weekend and happy school year.
look who's 24 weeks!

Can't believe Ivy is 24 weeks already and the kids have started back to school...where has the time gone? I have a few more years before I have to send my 1st little to kindergarten but I know I will be a mess. LOVE that Beckham turned back in to your baby when you dropped him off and gave you that extra love to get through the day...sweet, sweet boy!
Did I win?!?!? I ca not even tell you how in the middle of morning coffee with my husband, (while nonchalantly checking IG) went to your blog and screamed "I WON, I WON!!!!" Looked at him in disbelief ( he's lookIng at me the same by the way) because I'm the girl that gets a STAR on the inside lid of my Snapple bottle only to find out I won a Snapple download of a CALENDAR!!!! A calendar, I have one of those on my Phone, iPad, inside cupboard of my pantry, in my car, and a few other places. I am thrilled! And my husband is now ( after ignoring him to type this) happy for me, but I think still thinks Im losing it. Thank you!!!!
Oh man so you and Kelle at least had each other to make it thru this week!! Ivy is adorable and Becks is so sweet :)
Oh... You got me crying! Remember when Kelle posted her new ring with 3 eggs. I was kind os jealous because 3 looks better than 2. :) After yrs of infertility I was trilled to have two beautiful girls though! Well... Just over a week ago we got a bit of a surprise. At 36 I'm preg with a shocking 3rd baby and I'd LOVE a necklace with 3 eggs!
Love the picture of you with the older kids at school!!! And, the quilt on the last picture.... want it ;)
Ok, I read over the post. I'm sorry. Being a parent stretches our heart in ways we couldn't even dream of. Unconditional love.
My firstborn BABY (she is still a baby, I swear she was just born) is going to K this year. I cried when I read Kelle's Kindergarten post and I cried again when I just read yours! Come Sept 4th, I will be a big sobbing mess. :)
I do understand that heartache of having your babies grow up too fast. This year I'll have a 4th grader, 2nd grader and a 1st grader. It just makes my heart tug a little more because they drift a little further out into the world every year. I just remind them - "Roots and Wings".
I absolutely love the sweet notes in your kids lunch boxes. Such a thoughtful and caring momma! Now if only I could get that organized in the morning to remember to do that...and I only have TWO kids! lol
P.S. Love your orange bead necklace, so cute!
oh oh oh! can't believe you're giving away another one:) And I LOVE Peyton's comforter, I'm looking for a similar one for my girls' room...maybe you can share where you got it? oxxo
Trust me you were not big at all while pregnant!
I should know I had twins, now that was a big belly!
Love seeing you pop up in my blog roll!! Sweet kiddos, I bet they miss little Ivy so much! XOXO
Heidi you're gorge and you r doing an amazing job as a mommy. Keep up that baby lovin. It's a good plan b!!! Ha. xoxo.
This is great! We experienced a similar week and I'm about to go write a post about it....Happy 6 months to Ivy! Our little Quinn hit that milestone Tuesday :)
Love the necklace....I will need 5(!) eggs ;)
Aww, my oldest son is starting Kindergarten on Monday. I'm sad that my little baby is all grown up, and for the next 2 weeks, I will have crazy baby fever ;). However, I'll wait to see if the feeling passes.
The notes you've written for them are SO cute! Wishing you all a wonderful amazing school year!
you are a great, fantastic mum..a kiss(from Rome!).fabrizia
It's busy with 3 kids. I asked a friend of mine the other day how she does it because she always seems to have her shit together, she laughed at me! I felt better after. Ha!
i only have one baby, he is two. but i cry with you at the thought of that first day of kindergarten! i am so happy you have ivy to keep you company.
I'm trying to picture my kids first day of school in the years to come
(I have a 2.5 yr old and a 24 weeks old)...I can't, or maybe I just refuse to imagine! I know it will come within a blink of an eye, I hope I can make their first day as special as you made your babies.
Enjoy the one on one time you have with miss Ivy while the kiddos are off at school.
I totally hear you on thinking I had it figured out before I had kids. I thought for sure that consistency = perfect kids. Well, I've learned two things: 1. Total consistency is HARD. 2. No matter how many times you don't give them something when they whine, etc., they will still whine. ;)
Between you and Kelle on your blogs and IG, I've been an emotional wreck this week. ;)
I absolutely love those nest charms, and if I don't win the giveaway will be giving strong hints (think A Christmas Story style -- leaving pictures of it on hubby's pillow) for someone to get one for me. :)
I totally teamed up reading this. I'm sending my first off to preschool on Tuesday and every rational part of me says it's just a few hours a week but I know this is just the beginning. Would love one of those necklaces as I send my oldest off, get more time with my youngest and prepare for the sweet baby we're waiting forin November.
Tears! I've got my first going into preschool 3 days a week...and that's still hard!!
My baby starts kindergarten next week. While I'm homeschooling her, it's still a huge milestone and we are so excited. I so enjoy your blog!
My baby girl started Preschool this year and I was a basket case as well!! I cried all morning! And my sweet Carter is in 2nd grade as well, and he did the same thing as Beckham, blew me kisses and walked off when entering Kindergarten.
Sweet Ivy is a doll baby, and as us Southerners say, Bless your heart!
I shed a few tears reading this, even though my little man is only 2. They grow up so fast!
I love following you on instagram. The photos of your kids and your friends with your kids is so awesome. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have one of those nest necklaces or rings for my sweeties :) Happy first week of school. My little boy started too, I cried more than he did. It happen.
I have a Payton too, we just spell her name with an A instead of E. She'll be in 1st grade this year, my 2nd is in pre-K and we're considering having a 3rd soon. I realized I could be you in a year if our pregnancy dream comes true quick! The description of your boy turning back to tell you he loves you one more time melts my heart. Tears! What a wonderful momma you must be!
Congrats you survived the first day of school ! I never comment but just wanted to post my first one and say I love your blog. My 3rd child started Kindergarten and though it wasn't the first time for me to send someone off, it hurt and was a good feeling all at once. I miss her but she was more than ready. Anyway, love looking at your pictures. They are beautiful.
Whew! I homeschool so I get to read all of the "first day" experiences through you and Kelle. I have cried tears for you guys! Gutwrenching and they aren't even my kids. Love how the bonds of being a mom stretch over the miles as all of us understand the depth of love we have for our babies.
And as the mom of a tagalong myself, I can wholeheartedly understand how exhausting it is, yet the joy we ALL get from our third (a toddler) is such a wonderful thing to watch. Sibling love is the best!
My little girl just started kindergarten Wednesday and it was soooo hard to let her go. Thankfully she loves school.
Love the notes you wrote to your kids. Gonna do that for my girl when she starts school next year! :)
I'm sitting here crying my eyes out. Wonderfully said momma. Great post. I read a quote today that said "there is no way to be a perfect mom, but a thousand ways to be a great mom."
xo : )
Well, that made me cry! Monday starts a new chapter in my life. Both of my girls will be in school full time - Kinder is half day for us. So, I'll have a 1st and 2nd grader. I am having such a hard time with this transition! If I was you, I don't think I'd be able to put Ivy down!! I need another baby...yup, thats my answer!! Hope your loves have a great school year!!
Oh wow. (new commenter here) can I just first say how refreshing it is to see a worn out and real momma post non-tweaked un-edited pics of herself! This proves that not EVERYone down there in Naples is living a picture perfect life!! I enjoy seeing someone else looking like a real mom for a change.
You are doing an uh.may.zing job as a momma. You care a lot about your kids and they can see that in all of the little things you do. The first day of school lunchbox letters were super sweet. All three of them laying on the bed was adorable. And I held it all together reading this whole post until you got to the part where you hugged Beckham goodbye. That's where I lost it. :)
You're doing good momma!!
Your family is beautiful!
I love the idea of the notes.
So much love in your posts and IG photos.
Ive got a second grader and a kindergartener too starting in a couple of weeks. It's going too fast! Love the little lunchbox notes....
Just love it when you post! I was in tears, preschool is still a year away for my first and I am already dreading it!
I was okay until I read that your mom told you to, "get a grip." Then I started crying because my mom says the same thing... my baby is three, and Kindergarten is coming too fast!! Love your writing... xo.
I was doing okay until your mom said to "get a grip." Then I started to cry because my mom would totally say the same thing. My baby is three but Kindergarten is coming like a freight train!! Love your writing... xo.
Sweet photos! ;)
i would love to win a necklace with four eggs for my babies who are no longer babies. i just adore every picture you post of ivy...so precious! beautiful family!!
Great post! Watching your own kids growing is both exciting and terrifying, you handle both with grace!!
Your pictures are beautiful! Our daughter started kindergarten this year. She loves it but I am still coming to grips with how much she has grown up!
Absolutely beautiful post!
Bless your lovely family
My kids started 7th and 4th grade this year. I still get weepy. But at least I didn't follow the bus this year!! Progress not perfection.
Kindergarten is such an amazing, emotional adventure for mamas and littles! My firstborn started on Wednesday!
Three beautiful children! Little Ivy is going to be so spoiled having mama all to herself during the day. Glad both Peyton and Beckham had a good first day!
What a milestone for your family! All so precious at their respective ages and sages of life. So cute. Thanks for blogging this!
The love you have for your children shines so much in your posts and makes me smile...thanks for sharing.
My "baby girl" is starting her last year of middle school this year, 8th grade. She stopped letting me leave notes in her lunch a long time ago, but I still tell her those cherished thoughts as she gets out of the car on her way.
I can still leave notes for her younger brother, for one more year at least.
Enjoy the time with your babe during the school day!
We have a big first grader in our house who thinks she is ready to conquer the world and help teach her soon to be born baby brother all the ins and outs of doing so. It really is hard to believe how time flies when it comes to your babies!
I do love your quilts!
I'd love to win a necklace with
4 little eggs in the nest!
Love this post, the truth in it is awesome.
Big week! Congrats on being a fantastic mom! It shows through your words and pictures. Real. like real, it can't be faked. xoxo
Hang in there, tired mama! You're doing great. Little Ivy is just a doll, and they are all beautiful, as are you. The fatigue part is a fleeting season of life. There will be energy again!
Big week for you all! I was getting teary just reading your post....I have another year before we travel this road. I know its going to be tough though!
Stay strong!
Love that story of Beckham!!! :)
Beautiful quilt in the last photo!
24 weeks already?! Wow!! She is such a cutie!
And look at your big kids! My first baby starts K next year...I know I'll be a mess :)
They grow up so fast. :'(
But, being a momma is the best thing in the world!
Heidi- I started following you via Kelle...I too have three and was also a better parent before I was one. Now I sit beside the bath with a glass of wine while my youngest pours water all over the floor and I just let her :)
You're an amazing mama and love how you take it in stride. Keep doing what you're doing, it's an encouragement to us all. God Bless~ Lisa
Just gave birth to my 3rd. Little Boy..so lucky to have Peyton, you are ; ). He was 32 weeks perfect and I completely understand the exhausted pics you post. So happy to have your words back. Don't quite know what will do when my two youngest start school, bit I know I will not look as put together as you! You are truly an inspiration!
Amy from mn.
I love the notes that you wrote to Peyton and Beckham. It is such a sweet idea. And what Beckham said about having your kiss in his pocket is just gorgeous!
I'm always an emotional basket case the first few days of school...and my girls are in 3rd and 7th grade! It never gets easier to say goodbye and go home to a quiet house.
You rock that necklace. Love that pregnancy pic of you. I never looked good pregnant.
You and Kelle are killing me this week. I have one more year until that big day when Alex lets go and walks in and maybe looks back just one more time. Ok….here we go - waterworks.
I love the preggers pictures. Sometimes I miss those belly-kicking days because I knew that I had the chance to count her age in weeks. Ivy is as precious as P & B. Beautiful. Gifts.
So have another one, I would if I could in a heartbeat!
Time goes way too quickly..and tends to get quicker with each additional child.
Good luck with your first year of school Beckham!!
I hope I am as lucky to find a friendship like you and Kelle's! Thank you for sharing about your cutie patooties and best of luck in their new school years!
Hope they're in private school. I wouldn't send my dog through the Florida Public School system. One of the worst in the nation.
So excited to have won :) I emailed with what I think I was your current email - let me know if it wasn't :)
Beautiful! What a great memory to catch. I'm sure when the time comes I will be crying for hours! :)
Your kids are all so sweet and beautiful. Love the quilt that Ivy is laying on in the last photo!
awww, sweet post! I wish your kiddos the best year yet! My first baby just started kindergarten, and I am so excited for the adventures that await him!
I love your 1st day of school notes! It is so bittersweet every year when they start. I am so proud of them and excited for everything a new year brings but my heart hurts a bit because I know that means they are one year older. My oldest is starting 7th grade and I have now begun to countdown just how much more time I have with him. Crazy that in 5 years, he could be going away to college. As much as we try to slow time down and savor every moment, it seems to speed up even faster. I am just happy I still have a little at home to have a little bit longer.
I too was once the perfect parent...before having my 3! I love reading your blog and glad that you are posting again! Glad to see that you are well!
I too was once the perfect parent...before having my 3! I love reading your blog and glad that you are posting again! Glad to see that you are well!
oh my god those baby thighs...i have two grandchildren and all i did when they were little was squeeze those little thighs!!she is so darling!!i would smoosh her to pieces!!!!!amazing how fast she is growing...
Your kids are just the sweetest. I am pregnant with my 3rd, and so glad to know i'm not the only one who feels (felt) huge. Holy moly, I guess the body really knows what it's doing third time around and isn't waisting any time, lol :) My oldest starts preschool this year and it still hasn't hit me. Thank goodness we have a few weeks yet.
beautiful post and your children are beautiful! i feel MUCH the same way....my daughter is going into 2nd grade tomorrow, and my son starts kindy on tuesday!
it's exciting, and terrifying....two babies, both grown up in school all day, starting lives of their own! :)
big hugs to you mama! gear up, because you'll be doing this again in 5 years! ;)
ps - thanks for typing in all lowercase. lol. makes me feel like i'm not the only one who's against caps! ;)
We had our first day of school this week- our own Kindergartner and (first time) PreSchooler-- where did the years go?! It seems like just yesterday I was handed my baby girls as newborns!
We too have a miracle baby, so while I am looking forward to spending one on one time with him, it's soo quiet without his sisters!
Emilie O
We had our first day of school this week- our own Kindergartner and (first time) PreSchooler-- where did the years go?! It seems like just yesterday I was handed my baby girls as newborns!
We too have a miracle baby, so while I am looking forward to spending one on one time with him, it's soo quiet without his sisters!
Emilie O
ooh, this post made me tear up! I love that your baby boy turned back around :) precious!
I had a baby a couple months after you had Ivy and I have loved reading your blog and knowing that i'm not alone! totally in love with my baby but totally exhausted as well! ;) thanks for the chance to win!: )Kristy
ooh, this post made me tear up! I love that your baby boy turned back around :) precious!
I had a baby a couple months after you had Ivy and I have loved reading your blog and knowing that i'm not alone! totally in love with my baby but totally exhausted as well! ;) thanks for the chance to win!: )Kristy
Sweet Heidi,
I loved this post. It couldn't be more true. When you are in the blur of parenting, it comes down to love in the end, above all else.
Thanks for this post. Next week our youngest starts kindergarten and being a seasoned momma, you'd think it'd be ok. Perhaps not so much as we are currently hiding out on the Oregon Coast, pretending school is not starting in four days.
I'm so glad your babies are excited and it's lovely that you get some time alone with your sweet baby girl.
Enjoy two babies in school Momma and thank you! Mwah!
Lisa (wow a lot of Lisa's comment on your blog)
My baby started Kindergarten too this year.... Makes my momma heart sad & proud!! Love the necklace!!
I love the school letters! Good luck with kindergarten and 2nd grade!
oh, i'm sorry...this lisa won...
Time goes way too quickly..and tends to get quicker with each additional child.
Good luck with your first year of school Beckham!!
i'm sorry other lisa's:) wish i had one for each of you.
Lisa, please send me an email as heididarwish@gmail.com:) put necklace winner in subject line!
Time goes way too quickly..and tends to get quicker with each additional child.
Good luck with your first year of school Beckham!!
i sent you an email, but it's being bounced back. please email me at heididarwish@gmail.com
regarding your necklace win;)
Love your blog, Heidi! Hahaha.......... SO funny how you knew the perfect solution to every problem with a baby, teenager, etc. BEFORE you were a parent......... I was the same way. It sure changed once the kiddos came along. :) Your children are beautiful and you are a lovely momma!
Heidi, we lead very similar lives!! I too used to think I had it all figured out, before I was actually a parent! I sent my first born son to KG this year and another to 1st and 3rd grade! I totally understand the feelings there.. It does get easier everyday though, especially with having multiple kids as I am sure you have started to figure out. Came over to check out the recipes that you have posted pictures of on Instagram and they look delish! Cannot wait to try them!
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