a place where many friendships are born without meeting. the where i have learned to keep it real and enjoy the smallest details of my life. it's this special place that i have learned comforts me when i just need to share...purge...laugh...and sometimes cry.
yes, there are many things in my life that i value and my blog is one of them. it would definitely be at the top of the list... if i ever were to write a list, but i haven't:) i have gone on and on in other posts about the joy writing in here brings me, so i won't do it again. i will say, however; that i am thankful for the friends, words, and love that i get because of this blog and all the others that i read or stop by.
i am inspired by so many people out there that i am truly amazed that there are so many wonderfully caring, creative and lovely women are out there. and like me, we are all just trying to be the best we can...the best mother, friend, daughter, neighbor. (okay, i suck at the neighbor thing since i want to be the neighbor that runs over to the newbies on the block as they are still unloading the moving van, with my freshly baked blueberry scones in an old basket lined in gingham cloth with some freshly sheared blooms added in at the last minute---yeah, not so much---but i desire to do that...one day!) ...and i want to live on wisteria lane. what?! yeah, i watch it. i'll own it. ha.
moving on. i wasn't sure how i wanted to celebrate this two year blogging anniversary. i had just done my first giveaway ever earlier this month and wasn't sure if i should do another one so soon...but why not?!
so, Jewllori Foolproof Accessories noticed that my two-year blogging anniversary was coming up and contacted me about giving a gift certificate ($75 in value) to a lucky reader of my little ole' blog! so a commenter will be randomly chosen to win this gift cert later this week! good luck! she has some really pretty jewelry and i have my eye on one of these!
okay, i wanted to make a simple list of some of things that i love or am extremely grateful for: a warm and fuzzy list of things that make me happy, grateful,...
1. a thunderstorm at night. lightening is a bonus.
2. the little mermaid. the disney movie that we used to watch when we were younger. swear, i know every line of that movie (exaggeration alert!)
3. fresh flowers in my oldest non-vase sitting on my table.
4. that first sip of coffee in the morning.
5. nighttime invaders of my bed...my jammied up babies that crawl into my bed every. single. morning. when it's still dark and there are hours left to slumber before the alarm screeches at us angrily to get up!
6. strangers that smile at you.
7. sound of a lawn mower and the smell of the grass after it's been cut.
8. good light to take photos in makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!
9. laughing till it hurts.
10. phone calls from my grandpa!
11. thai food.
12. fitting into clothes that didn't before.
13. micky d's iced tea unsweetened.
it's hard to keep it at ten, but i want to keep it simple. please feel free to email me your own 'warm & fuzzy' list in honor of my blog-i-versary at heidi976@earthlink.net
perhaps i'll post it here on my blog and i will enter you to win a little sumthin sumthin! a hint: i linked to it in my last post and i said i used it for inspiration.
whew, all this giving makes me happy! is there anything better than giving...seriously. little things that can make a person's day!
and here are a few photos from this weekend and some catch-up from last week...
auntie jenn and i took the boys house hunting...they had a FAB time;) maybe not, but we did! i can't think of a better house hunter than jenny girl with all her amazing talent for design, placement, ideas, and thinking outside of the box. thank you, jenn! xoxo

and then we dyed easter eggs...this special time of year when it is completely normal to color perfect white eggs into something spectacular. colors everywhere, and mostly on beckham's now, red stained hand...
i had to google how to boil an egg that wouldn't crack. i wanted to hide this little google fact from hubby...but i owned up to it. i had no clue how to make an egg that wouldn't crck under the pressure. i learned that you need to add two teaspoons of white vinegar and one teaspoon of salt. sure enough...we had 12 perfect eggs!
okay, i am off to bed, but first...let's talk about the giveaway rules! the $75 gift certificate giveaway is open to anyone that leaves a comment. i will randomly choose a winner from random.org at the end of the weekend.
inspiration by tricia guild can be won by emailing me your warm & fuzzy list. a list of happies. please list ten things and email them to heidi976@earthlink.net
the winner,chosen by me, will be featured here! i may choose more than one to share here on kaleidoscope!
i am so excited!
not sure why I'm still up but since I am here goes...
first of all HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! sorry I missed the past couple years but glad I'm catching up now!
and you are so right -- nothing better than giving (hence the little package -- glad you liked! enjoy!)
pj clad babes in the morning & those first sips of coffee top my list too! and family -- there's just nothing better than being with family in my book.
let me just end this with saying that I don't even celebrate Easter but your post/pics make me want to go dye some eggs right now! hhhmmm...
Happy Anniversary! You have a such a great blog with inspirational words and photos! Reading your blog has made me see more colour in life, and make the most of all experiences in life with my Husband and children!
Happy Anniversary Heidi. I think Anniversaries are so important. They are how we mark periods of our life and the events that happen in our life....one year.525,600 minutes. Some anniversaries are good and some not so good but they are the markers of who we are and what we have done. I think the reason that I sooo enjoy your blog is that there is no facade..just real! I love a blog that you can take away things and apply to your own life..like the perfect pot roast recipe..or the memory of my daughter reading along with me and NOTICING that Peyton has the same dress the she does..but Peyton wears hers with leggings..which is how I am sure we will be wearing ours from now on. Even when we are little we steal little pieces of each other..isn't life lovely! Have a good day..and love,love,love the picture of the three of you on the couch, the best part is knowing that daddy probably looked over at his loves and snapped that precious picture!
I finally found your blog, and it's a giveaway! Yay me! haha! Love the pics of the eggs. I love Easter. The epitimy of renewal and redemption.
Wish I could come down and get in on the house hunting. We've been doing a little, and it's just plain fun.
Hope you're doing well. And I hope it won't be too long before I get down there again.
Love you!
ps..aunt jenn looks a bit like michelle pfieffer...oh my..i am known for seeing someone else in somebody..must be a special gift that i have..ha!
Hi! I found you via Kelle and Lindsey. I just had to share with you that my husband had to call his Mom to get instructions on how to boil eggs properly. We boiled 2 dozen eggs and put them in the fridge. Never having boiled eggs before, I had no clue how stinky they were and threw the 2 doz eggs out because I thought they were rotten. Bought another 2 doz eggs, boiled them (after calling Mom AGAIN) and come to find out . . . boiled eggs are stinky! Lesson learned!
Congrats on blogging for two years!
Nicole :-)
happy 2 years! i'm a new follower but i love your blog. i am trying to learn to take photos on my new SLR and your pictures are an inspiration. although i bet it helps to have such gorgeous subjects. your kids (and you too!) are absolutely stunning!
keep blogging so we can keep reading.
Happy Birthday to your blog! I'm a new-comer but I love it and I'll keep coming back. The pictures of egg-colouring make me so happy...and now I'm even more excited and anxious to do it at my house with my little ones. So much fun!
Happy Bloggy Anniversary Heidi!!! I'm an old timer - I feel like we are old friends. Love reading your updates and seeing your pics.
I'll have to try your secret for perfect eggs. I have the perfect boil, but still get some that crack. So, maybe the salt and vinegar will help?
happy 2 year blogiversary to you1 i'm so glad i'm a reader here! and will be for as many years as you write! as usual your pictures have brightened my day!
good luck to all:)
HEIDI! Rockin! Happy 2 year blogversary!!
I'd like to think we've been friends for years and I've been reading your blog for about the same, but let's be honest. I'm just a stalker, your friendly neighborhood blog stalker! hahha! But seriously, so glad I found your blog through Kelle's. I love your pics, your outlook on life and getting to know you all :)
Happy Anniversary! (handing u more megabytes as gift) It's been a beautiful ride to see you come into your own through your blog! Those eggs look like you used super dye! So vibrant and colorful! xoxo
Love your list of things you are grateful for! My list would look pretty similar to yours!
:) Great pictures too!
Kara Brown
hey heidi! happy anniversary!! love all the new pics and the beautiful coloured eggs!
thanks for the boiling egg tip! i did not know that :) awesome!!
loved your happy list.. #2 and #7 would be on my list for sure!
thanks for writing and insipiring... being open and teaching us to love life! you're beautiful heidi!!
Firstly "Happy 2nd year of letting it all out anniversary"!
Secondly I have been terrified of eggs and jars with coloured water for weeks but seeing the smiles it produces might make me brave enough to face the mess that WILL follow!
Thirdly who doesn't love thunder storms at night?
Happy blogiversary!
I am a brand new blogger and found your blog the other day through Kelle. I've enjoyed looking through your beautiful pictures and hearing your positive outlook on the daily happenings of life! Writing down the small things each day reminds us of all that we have to be thankful for! Thanks for reminding me of this!
Keep on sharing...
Happy Birthday to your sweet little blog that has brought love to others through your words and pictures. The picture of you on the couch with your babies melts my heart.
Happy Anniversary to your fabulous blog! These pictures of vibrant easter eggs brings back memories of simpler childhood afternoons spent coloring eggs and having "practice" easter egg hunts. Glad you guys had so much fun.
first off, how did i miss the video in your last post? so stinkin' funny! you make me laugh ... hard! love that, so much.
and now moving on ...
happy, happy blogiversary! just like my sister said, i, too, am an old-timer! and i love that, too.
Happy Blogaversary! I've enjoyed "getting to know you" these past couple years.
my fav disney movie of "our time" was Beauty and the Beast. favorite pic was beckhams hand in the red egg dye cup...wonder why his hand was red. lol.
I LOVE all the pics...I wish I was there. Cant wait to see you :) by the way I have stuff for the kids coming via UPS...you know its not gonna be there till after Easter....actually its a package with St Pattys and Easter stuff.....IM SO LOW LEVEL me and all my selfish singleness...just cant find the time......how do all you mommas do it??
Happy Blog Anniversary, so fortunate to have found your blog as of late!
I'm so glad you shared the secret about the eggs, my 2 year old will be pleased to have perfect eggs to decorate this weekend:-)
oh i forgot to name some happy things:
1. Peyton & Beckham
2. Baby Evie & Tony
3. vacation
4. leaving work on friday at 5:30
5. i agree about the little mermaid we watched about 400 times when we were younger...remember gramps would get so annoyed with us when he couldnt watch the news because we were mesmerized with Ariel singing? lol
6. chocolate-lots of it
7. calling off to window shop all day
8. pedicures
9. morning coffee on Saturday mornings
10. my family
happy anniversary!!! 2 years - how exciting!!!!! just about makes me want to start a blog of my own!!
i love this post & your list of happy things...i always enjoy reading your list and after reading yours i always flip the grocery list over and scratch a quick list of little happys of my own...a little confirmation that there's sooo many things to be happy about!!
love those dyed eggs...there's something about that egg carton that makes them look much more "eastery" than those styrofoam thingys!
also..that photo of you guys all cuddled together sleeping on the couch...so precious! that one def. deserves a fancy frame & a special spot of it's own..beautiful!
i hope you guys are having an amazing week & enjoying this unbelievable weather!!
Your new blog rocks....just like you!!! xoxoxox
I've been having Kaleidoscope withdrawls since being on vacation and bloggless. I'm so happy to have gotten my fix. Happy Easter to you and yours!
Happy Anniversary! I just recently found your blog and now I have to check it every day for updates...I love it! Your pictures are beautiful and so are your "babies"!
Thank you for writing!
PS: I want to live on Wisteria Lane too!:)
Congratulations on the anniversary!! Love your blog it's so stunning and honest!!
Love the pictures! And your little boy Beckham is the cutest! Congrats on blogging for sooo long, thats a great accomplishment!
i swear i don't just want your giveaways!! the last time i commented you were doing one too. i actually just love your pics and fun stuff you blog about : ) happy blogaversary (made that up) mine is coming up in may. boy does time fly!!! happy day to you : )
all you ladies rock my world!!! love the sweet sweet comments! wish i had you all on speed dial so if i needed a pick-me-up, i could call;)
i will choose a winner this weekend for the lists and do random.org for the gift cert!
new readers...so glad you are here!!
joann! miss you so much!
Hi Heidi!
I came over to your blog from Kelle's blog. You, also, are an inspiration and have a gift of making the ordinary...extraordinary! Have a wonderful beautiful day! I just might email you a list of ten things that make me happy because it is always a good reminder to remember those little things that make you the happiest! Thanks for reminding me!
HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!! xoxo Can I get a WHOO WHOO??!?!? Love your list and your pics and you. And the fact you got Lainey with an egg on her finger. lol. I love you and your blog and I am getting ready to enjoy one of your things...my first sip of coffee.
I love you!
Heidi, As always pics are great! I don't know how you find the time for perfection. But I am glad that you do because YOU inspire ME!
My favorite things (not necessarily in this order).
1. the corner piece of chewy brownies.
2. a perfect sauce that doesn't separate
3. French Fries
4. Soft grass you can sit on in Michigan
5. The sound of perfect contact off my driver
6. My husband walking in the room with a smile
7. Jack & Lilly giggling from a tickle fit
8. Dunkin Donuts Coffee
9. Reading the paper on the lanai in peace
10. The sound of a Quick Shutter
And so many more.....
just got back from a mini-vacation and popped in to see if you had anything new up... gotta get my Keleidoscope fix!! I guess I should add that to my "list" of happy things!
can I just say I think one of the greatest things is that you & Kelle comment on each other's blogs! I'm sure you must talk a gazillion times a day and the fact that you take the time to add a comment to each other is so sweet! Wish you were on my speed dial too because it would be great to chat with you!!
have a happy weekend... finally NO rain here! yeah!
very nice blog. your blog and kelle's seem remarkably similar (not that that is a bad thing), are you ladies friends and who started their blog first?
Happy Blog Anniversary...what a wonderful thing! your writing and recipes and photography are all beautiful and fun to be apart of. glad for our friendship and glad for blogs and easter too. hehehehe. here is my list of 10 warm fuzzy things.....reading this just makes me happy!! xoxo
clean, crisp sheets
holding samantha's tiny hand as we walk
advice from my hubby
my hanging flower basket (that i haven't killed yet!)
holidays...everything and anything holidays
peonies...big and beautiful and fresh, my fav flower
johnson and johnson lavender stress relief soap
our cozy neighborhood and waving to everyone
millions of phone calls to my mom
the twinkling christmas lights in my foyer that i never take down!
i feel like i am MIA...i want to blog, but the easter bunny is coming;)
i'm choosing both winners tomorrow! i will post them tomorrow night!
i am loving reading the warm and fuzzy lists and i know i will have a tough time choosing a winner. i am so loving the new faces and messages i have recvd this post. thank you so much for making my day a little brighter!
shaama, thank you for the sweet email you wrote to me. you made me cry. the good kind. xo
simple things....thank you.
anon, you think my blog is similar to kells? that's a big compliment 'cause she rocks and i do learn so much and our lives do mirror each others in ways that even surprise me at times. we are lucky to have each other. i guess we rub off on one another:)
nicole...yes, stinky. i learned that as well! ha.
meghan, thank you so much. i'm going to the beach tomorrow, so i'll put your compliment in my pocket. i'll need it. lol. congrats on the new camera...it will be impossible to miss the details when you start capturing with it.
i am inspired by those i love most and from there i like to share/document the best parts of my week or days. to hear that my posts are inspiring...well, i can't tell you how amazing that is to hear.
okay, now that i have officially 'posted' in the comments section...i'm off to bed. the bunny is coming & the kids will be up very soon.
enjoy your easter!
Happy anniversary! I love you warm and fuzzy list. I can totally identify with many of them...morning baby invaders, first sip of coffee, homemade iced tea, the smell of fresh cut grass, there are so many! Your Easter pics are beautiful. The colors are amazing. I hope you all had an outstanding time!
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