however, all i can think about are these randoms little tidbits...
*my first blog giveaway ever. details at bottom, but in a nut shell you leave a comment on this blog and i will enter you into the drawing for the sweet gift.
* i want the font on my brand spankin' new header to be easier to read and if i knew how i originally managed the 'vintagey' effect in photoshop, i would go back and reverse it. however, i kinda suck at photoshop and learning how not to suck at photoshop now tops my permanent to do list:)

* am i weird? instead of chopping the spinach, onions, and green peppers to toss into my super healthy salmon thingies, i chopped it in the living room with my cutting board on laying across my lap...my eyes glued to the 82nd annual academy awards show. dude, seriously i almost chopped a few fingers off. seriously.
{I realize these photos don't really go with what i am saying, but they are colorful and truly make me happy to see my two little ones being creative and getting along, but mostly, i love when they create little works of art. peyton and beckham art.}

this is the first year kelle and i haven't dressed up and picked our fave outfits and movies. but ya know, it's all about the clothes.
the awards pre-show. who is wearing what. is it new, vintage, borrowed?
my husband sat down to watch it for a minute and after about 3 red carpet interviews, he stood up, looked at me in disbelief and said, "they don't even talk about the movies, their first question is, who are you wearing?"
i shot him my best, shut-up-honey-you're-interrupting-my-view-of-SJP's-vintage-chanel look.
my picks for the evening...
sarah jessica parker
demi moore
jennifer lopez
cam diaz
miley cyrus (peyton's pick)
and meryl streep.
update: click here for more dresses!
moving on to other randoms floating around...

* i love spring. i want to grow a huge herb garden with some carrots and tomatoes too. and i want wildflowers to grow around my house. maybe a bird bath would fit nicely...i love ivy, i wonder if i planted it, it would cover my house? would i like it? should it try it?
yes, my mind tends to go places. it's just to easy to do things these days, not to mention the weather is ROCKING my world. it has been paradise the last few days.
everything is so available to us. it's an amazing blessing and at the same time, an overwhelming weight of pressure to do it all, do it well, and look good doing it.
today, i was out looking to prepare for my spring mini shoot sessions. the colors and pastel candy and HUGE golden and chocolate bunnies and eggs. it was to much. it was blissful. it was...a lot of money on little easter basket treats and toys for my little ones.
world market. go there.
okay, my first real post on my new kaleidoscope blog! this is exciting! first off, i wanted the name to reflect who i am or what i write about. when jenn came up with this name...i loved it right away. i knew i wanted something that combined my writing style/topics with who i am or at least who i perceive myself to be in this never ending quest to find/renew/better/know who i am/what i want to be.
after all, i really write this here for my babies. i want them to know me as i was. what i liked to eat, read. what i hate. love. dream about. my passions about the creative world. you get it.
anyway, the definition of kaleidoscope is an optical toy of sorts. however, that is not the definition i am using. i am using #2 in webster's dictionary: any complex pattern of frequently changing patterns or colors.
i figure it's like life. constantly changing it's colors and patterns. no one day seems to be identical anyway. so there you have it.
a few other things...

i love that p&b find coconuts in the yard, bring them in, daddy cracks them, and they chomp away on the nutty white stuff!

i love this girl and her love affair with marshmallows.

...and i love her silly side!
guess who the next...


our very own beckham starts his first real sport's team in a week! he is so excited that he wears this soccer ensemble throughout most days and it is precious!

proud of our little guy.
on another note, but i'll make it fast bc i did not intend to make this post as long and drawn out as it appears to be.
i wanted to say thank you for all the kind comments, emails, voice mails, facebook messages i have received over the past couple of years.
i LOVE hearing from you and you can never know how much it means to me when you say kind words about my babies, work, writing,...
many messages bring me to tears as i never really knew how the little things i share through this diary have touched a small number of people out there in cyber world. even to the people i have never met...who take the time to send me a note---it's amazing and i feel blessed. wish i could send everyone a gift.
from the bottom my heart, thank you.
with that...leave a comment on this post and i will enter you to win a necklace similar to this one, meaning i have spoken to the etsy shop owner and she said she will customize this necklace to as many eggs as you need as well as color preference (silver, blue, pink). you can see more examples at Betty's Love

i searched and searched and searched for the perfect necklace and i couldn't find one i liked more than the one kelle found and fell in love with on etsy. she has it and loves it and it is so beautiful and dainty and i felt it was perfect for this time of year.
good luck and i will draw a name by friday!

Hi Heidi,
I have just started reading your blog and also Kelle's, you guys are amazing, full of fun and laughter! Thanks for sharing it all!
Have a great week!
It turned out beautiful, my friend!!! Good stuff.
Congrats on your new "home." And I think the header is just perfect. What a perfect prelude to spring!! Your littles painting outside are just scrumptious. Well done!!
Heidi, Love the new look and the new title. Seems very fitting for your blog. Bright and colorful. Your pictures are amazing. Can't wait to hear some more stories about the soccer star!
Just found you through Kelle's blog! (well, I 'follow' Kelle's blog and so Google reader told me I might like yours too. There's magic in that reader!)
Love the new blog! it was worth the wait. i really like the vintagey look of the header.
you picked the best so i'll pick the um more questionable.
nicole richie
molly ringwald
zoe saldana - i thought when she walked out on stage if she pulled her dress up any higher we would see her goodies.
charlize theron - what happened?
oh and NPH - so shoulda been the host.
can't wait to see the results of your mini shoot! beckham looks like a soccer pro already - the other beckham better watch out!
I too love your new blog. I am excited to see how your kiddos learn and grow...
And the Academy Awards...
I love love love Sarah Jessica Parker and I loved how she looked..
And Sandra Bullocks speech made me cry!
Bravo! Congratulations--you did it and it looks AMAZING! Looking forward to more of your wonderful creativity, realness, randomness and above all your rich sense of humor-- love laughing out loud with you! Jenn
You are the most AMAZING photographer. I just love love love your pictures:). I will have you take pictures at all my special events.
i LOVE the new blog...its so fun!!! your pictures look amazing. I hope i win the necklace....LOL am I aloud to? or is that a conflict of interest?LOL
luv you!!
Heidi, your pictures are stunning and your Children are precious are precious little angels. I can;t wait to see you and I feel so lucky to have you as the photographer for my daughters Bat-Mitzvah.
ok kaleidoscope, color me a fan-follower! Bring it... :)
Bug & Ruby's Gram
just started reading your blog -- linked through enjoyingthesmallthings... I'm amazed with your work & kelle's!! I sit down to see what you two ladies have to say and I always find it puts a smile on my face! as kelle says "everyone needs a heidi in their life"!!
congrats on the new website -- LOVE the name!
Hi Heidi!
I love the name of your new blog. I am always checking in on you to see how you are doing and what you have been up to.
Your little ones are adorable and I love how your sister calls them Posh and Becks. So cute.
Keep in touch!
I will add your new blog to my blog so I can easily get to it! I love catching up on all that you're doing. You're so creative and full of fun! It's always a joy reading all that you have to say! Good luck with the new blog! Hope you figure out the Photoshop vintage thing!!
I LOVE the new blog...love the name, it's perfect!!
Your photos are BEAUTIFUL...just clicking away as your little ones paint and they are breathtaking!
As always thank you for sharing this little corner of your world with us, sharing your heart and your amazing, funny & heartfelt stories!
P.S....the photo of you & your kiddos...my absolute favorite!
yah heidi for your new blog debut. love the new name and look. you are one creative mommy...keep it up! love the painting smocks on the kids too. happy almost spring! xo
You are amazing-- I love the new blog and wish-- what a treasure you are building for your family!!! Your photographs are AWESOME and the kids are so gorgeous! Miss you and hope to see you soon!
Awesome blog Heidi! Love the pics....you are getting so good!!! I'm so very proud of you. Love the name and all things with it. miss you.
Heidi I love the new look and also those soccer pictures or Beckham are just adorable!! You really captured the moment :)
20 comments? holy goodness! so, what, i'm like 21? come on now, that just doesn't seem right :)
out of my bubble ...
i love the header, vintagey and all! and the new name? perfect! i, too, am trying to master photoshop (i have elements, and that's challenging enough for me!) oh, the necklace, adorable. and the colorful pics that always adorn your blog, eye candy! peyton's friendship bracelet, too cute! spring mini shoots, can't wait to see some of the magic.
alrighty, gotta go play spiderman now. welcome, kaleidoscope!!
I LOVE the new blog title and first post. And watch out David Beckham, here comes Beck's. Enter me, enter me. Love spending time with you the past couple of days.
Love, love, love the new bloggity blog. I'm officially adding Kaleidoscope to my link list.
xoxo Brooke
Hi Heidi,
I've been reading Kelle's blog and just started reading yours. Congratulations on the new blog - I love the new name. I'm in the process of setting up a blog for myself and taking votes from my friends as well. Best of luck, Carrie
I love that when you have a thought and you write about. The picture of Beckcom is my favorite. I see a super start soccer player in the making. As for your little girl, I cannot believe how grown up she looks. I love the new blog sight.
The name says it all and is SO YOU!!! Love it:)
Love the photos of Beckham with his soccer gear on. Jeff must be so excited. Who is the more excited one...Jeff or Becks?? By the way...you didn't name him Beckham for nothing did you??
Looove the new blog! Great pics. Beckham is so cute in his gear :)
I love the ones of the kids together on the patio! They are such lovebugs!!
And Becks in the soccer uniform? No words!!
I feel like I am looking through a keyhole watching your colorful life happen when I read your blogs. The pictures...capture childhood as it should be. Fun and real. If I could wish one thing for you it would be that you would know what an amazing person you are!
Simply amazing girl! GREAT JOB HEIDI! We just put up the beautiful pictures you took for us. We now have our children smiling at us all the time. THANKS for putting MORE happiness into our home.
Love, Kerri XOXOX
welcome, kaleidoscope!
the header is beautiful, as are all of your pictures.
Your babies are GORGEOUS!!!
Heidi, loving the new look in here, love the name and the banner! Fab!
Thanks for the well wishes, we love our Cali, oh we love her so. She's the cherry on the top of our proverbial icecream :)
Great necklace, It would fit my place in life right now so perfectly, I've got my three little nest eggs.
p.s. I see where your kiddos get there stunning looks, cute pic!
friends, i am blushing over here. thank you for the sweet words about my blog!
new readers...so excited you are here.
kerri, miss you.
carrie, i have some names i loved but didn't use if u want a few ideas.
Hooray for the new digs!!
I hate that your back yard has coconuts because mine right now has frozen dog poop and soupy patches of grass. Sigh. I will never have backyard coconuts.
what up!!!!!!!!!! where did the comments go??!!! I WIN ...YAY!!!!!
hey!! where did all your comments go?!??? should we RE-COMMMent to be in the drawing???
Love the new look of the blog. I wish we were neighbors, seems impossible to see anyone anymore with our crazy lives. I am glad I have our memory of sweet Nella's birth that we will alway be able to share together. Hope you can join us on March 20 for AR's bday movie and dinner. Good luck to Beckham with soccer and Peyton looks more like you every day!xo
My friend Kurin and use to dress up and have a little party, talk about the dress hit and miss, hair, and make up!! Oh we loved it, this year we didn't get a chance, her and her husband moved 2hrs away...booo!! I loved SJP, but I do have to say I wasn't feeling KATHY IRELAND!!
My friend Kurin and use to dress up and have a little party, talk about the dress hit and miss, hair, and make up!! Oh we loved it, this year we didn't get a chance, her and her husband moved 2hrs away...booo!! I loved SJP, but I do have to say I wasn't feeling KATHY IRELAND!!
I just happened across your blog through Kelle's and surprises like that make me happy. Your photography is beautiful and so are your children. I love the new name of your blog and look forward to more posts! :)
Dear Heidi,
Your blog is so delightful and your children well they are beautiful & precious. Your new blog is simply stunning. Another wonderful blessing for us to now share in your journey as well.
Have a blessed week!
Warm Regards
I love the photos! I am so not a photographer, so I'm always impressed when someone can take beautiful shots! I love them!
great new blog, i've been reading yours for a while but don't think i ever commented. your photos are stunning!!! i love spring too and also get many thoughts like yours running through my head!!!
Congrats on your new blog! Looks great! YOur kids are such cuties.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope your cookies were tasty. Eat a couple for me :)
Would love some blog name ideas - seems many of my choices are taken. Would you mind emailing them to me? Thank you so much!
I think I am going to quit my newspaper addiction...There is so much more joy and beauty to be found on these pages! Love seeing stunning glimpses into life south of me in a warmer (Jerk ;)) climate! I personally think that all words are a little brighter when you have a snapshot of the moment to shine with it! Thanks for the read! I look forward to more sunny posts!
Rebecca, Toronto, Canada
i just found your blog, it's fabulous! i love your pictures! you have an amazing eye! can't wait to read/see more :)
Love the photography! Amazing.
Love the new blog! I will miss those chocolates, but am so ready to see the world thought that Kaleidoscope... the colors, the music, the feel is different. love it.
Heidi, I'm a relatively new follower of your blog, but I can already say I love it! Your kids are adorable, and you inspire me to think what kind of wonderful times I can invent with my four little ones each and every day! Your photographs are amazing too!
Hi! I've just started reading your blog and Kelles as well. Very inspirtational - I am 21 and just starting my first blog (I would love for you to take a look!!)...
Your family is stunning.
Love Bx
Hey my Florida winter, Michigan summer friend :-) Love the new blog and the title is fab! Two more months and we are in Tucson, cant wait to see you!!!!!!!
carrie, send me your email address:)
oooo i love the neckalace! i have it with little blue eggs in it! SO cool! represents my two boys.. and possibly a third...
awesome blog btw.... :)
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