experiences come in many different ways. learning experiences are abundant and i can feel the growth within each of us as new things come our way! it's been comfortable around here with little sprinkles of excitement brought on by the little ones in our lives!
our girl graduated from pre-k last week and even though her mama shed many a tear in her class that day...we are so very proud of her.
last fall, we watched our little one proudly walk into her classroom, wearing both her brand spankin' new butterfly backpack and her determination. determination not to cry when we left her with her new class and teacher. i was wearing that same face.
we both failed as the tears were forced through her long lashes and mine hidden until i was out of her sight.
last week, we walked back into her pre-k class and waited for the moment she would receive her 'diploma!' the paper that would tell her and us that her baby-dom, toddler-dom, little-person years, littleness...years are now numbered. officially. i've been doing it for months now, numbering her years. doing simple math in my head.
when she starts kinder, i'll be almost 34. i'll have 6 good elementary years to soak up at which point she'll move on. she'll be just about 12 and i'll be...40. then, middle school will be this big blur of hormones, boys, fads, trends, dances, down-the-block-drop offs,...
i try not to think about high school, but the math continues. one day she will be 18 and thinking about which out of state school to escape to. i'll be 46 and beckham 16 and he'll be driving and have two years left of high school.
it's weird for me to think of my babies growing up and when i count the years it puts it all into prospective. it doesn't seem that long ago that my sister and i walked into mrs. pelong's class at polk elem. for my first day of kindergarten. it feels bizarre and exciting all at the same time.
and although, i will continue to sob at any and all rites of passage, marked events both big and small, above all i am grateful and blessed that we are a part of her journey.
mommy's here! mommy's leaving.
beckham brought flowers and a balloon for peyton!
peyton mae, we are so proud of you. we love you so much!
next up...beckham earned his first trophy (medal)! i know it's his first of many games and competitions
as he seems to have inherited his daddy's love of sports!
he ran after the ball. he followed the other kids, he daydreamed at times...while running after the ball.
a few times he ran off the field to give me a kiss or to say he was done. ha. he would run back onto the
field when he felt like it at which point he would again run after the ball and blindly kick it to the
little people from the other team.
they huddled. they checked one another out. they had fun. they entertained the proud parents. it was darling.
my friend and beckham's first ever coach, loved on him and took him under her protective wing.
thank you, erin. xoxo
love this pic. all the kids' eyes are glued to the ball. they were so determined to kick it.
becks decided he was done running after it in this shot. ha.
erin's little one. she's delicious.
beautiful eden. beckham's teammate!
i am proud to say that beckham scored a goal!!! he was so proud of himself!
working hard and knowing we are headed to michigan for the summer leaves me wanting to stay home a bit more
too. i love that i have grown to love staying home even when we have something else to do. these days
going out to a nice dinner plays second fiddle to defrosted spaghetti sauce, my couch, and the happy noises
of peyton and beckham from the other room.
some other things that make me terribly happy:
p and b's gardening efforts paying off!
this weekly mag stuffed with fashion in's and out's, must haves that i never buy, and hollywood gossip.
our abc wall.
artwork from the little ones that adorn our walls and fridges.
my ipod!
my pillows! i'm a pillow person.
looking up from my work and watching peyton quietly doing something on her own. i just watch her and take in her bigness. this day
i watched her fold her pink baby blanket into a perfect rectangle and proceed to place it on her back and then crawl away. lol. ???!!!
daddy lovins!!!
kiss and diss: kiss my antique, oversized desk i scored on craigslist for $75 bucks. diss the oversized and ancient load of laundry
that needs to be folded and put away.
late rides through the neighborhood...
with a side of sibling love!
sex and the city movie with friends!
really cool kicks!
a ten dollar gift cert in the mail from sur la table. no minimum purchase! and my new cup. MY new outside cup.
peyton's shoes i bought at easter time and then lost...are now found!!!
this face and how much i love it and it really does make me terribly happy indeed!
impromptu pizza dates with friends and kids and new places in town that you never knew existed. oh, how i love
to find new spaces in town. i think it is one of the most fun things to do. put that on your to do list:
find place new to you and rock it out like you own the place!
we had pizza...a whole pie. we sat at a plastic table outside on the sidewalk of an old strip of tourists shops
within walking distance of the water. it was fab and it reminded me of how lucky we are to live where we do
and for being healthy enough to enjoy it! for all of $12 (if only we had $12) we window shopped, skipped beneath flags,
and ate some of the best pizza i had ever had.
i felt like we were in new york...except i've never been to (even though i desperately want to go) new york, so i have
no clue how that feels. and...i ran out of money. i had to scrape pennies and dollars out of my purse when i realized
they didn't take debit cards and i had already ordered. so i put the drinks back in the cooler (bowing head down after the kids
started screaming that they wanted a strawberry snapple or some other sugar infused drink promising to increase
brain activity) and i whispered to them that i ran out of money and that my sweet friend would have pay the $12 tab!
then, i wondered if it was okay to talk about money and not having any with a five and three year old.
dr. phil may say that's an adult problem and not to be shared with the the young, formidable minds of tomorrow.
however, on screech three, i said we were dead broke and if they didn't quiet themselves quickly, we were going
to be kicked out without the pizza. it worked and i found two capri suns at the bottom of my mary poppins purse!!!
yes. i was rockin' out this mommy thing!
but-no-debit-card-using-woes aside, we had an amazing afternoon...
i am loving summer so much and i know it will be filled with watermelon faces, popsicles, and lots of swimming! play dates and
family and lots of memories to make. happy start to your long summer days filled with bbq's and lightening bugs!
let me know what your summer will hold for you this year!!!
lots of love,
i have a few recipes to post next as i am getting backed up on all the ones i want to share with you guys!
i hope you have tried one or two so far!
AAAAHH! These pics are gorgeous! The movie theatre one is GORGEOUS!! LOVING!! Going back to look more!
I agree the pics are gorgeous. Enjoy all of your moments withyour babies, I will be watching my second child graduate from high school on Wed. wow what a ride. Great mommy moments for sure. Loved all of the girls night out pics but most of all you always capture my heart with your children. What a dream it would be to meet such inspiration like you Heidi. Have a terrific week!!!
Sending you lots of love from So Cal. xo
Ummm, so the ships store and Napoli on the Bay? Great stuff. And great pix, per usual, missy. Can't wait for our shoot!!!!
as one who also is of italian heritage, i have to say that among other things, you have not lived until you have pizza in the big apple! just sayin...
This was so wonderful to read, and see, and oogle your stunning shoes! Oh the shoes!!! I too have not been to New York (10 years old does not count) but the day I go will be a glorious one requiring more pictures than any .com could handle!
Congrats on the beauty graduating. My Prince graduates to Senior Kindergarten and just today I watched him in awe suddenly seeing all the years go by at once. It's amazing, joyous and panging all at the same time!
I am the same with my munchkins... if there ain't no cash in the wallet and debit is't accepted... they have to deal. I'm not known for being ready for places sans machines now lol! But Cherry at 2.5 yrs is probably even less understanding than your two!
Loved this as always! Such fun!
Found your blog from your friend, Kelle, and just wanted to say hello! I also have two little ones...my daughter is 4 (and has "a little something extra" like sweet Nella) and my son is 2.
Love your blog and don't think your kids could get any cuter! And....very impressive to pull 2 capri suns out of your purse. I have magically pulled out many things...but can't say something as perfect or large as drinks when needed! ha!
Take care,
Jill B (Overland Park, KS)
I had a rough day. I needed some sunshine that is your blog. Thank you.
Holy mac & cheese, there's a lot of eye candy in this post, so many beautiful pictures! Life in Ka-heidi-scope!
Your children are so so beautiful and clicked on the link and saw the beautiful, breathtaking picture of you on your wedding day. WOW, Heidi.
Love you, miss you!!!!!
- iColossus
Hey Heidi, love reading your posts, they make me smile and giggle!
Happy Graduation to Peyton, how exciting! Lachlan has just moved to morning Kindergarten (Kindy) and he loves it! Next April he will be 5 and starts real school, some tears will be shed by me when that time comes!
I'm going to send you a rice bubble slice recipe, it's awesome, and goes down so well with the kids!
Have a great week, sending your family some NZ love! xx
Amazing pictures!! Dang you make me want to go out with a charge card RIGHT NOW and drop a ridiculous amount of $$ on a better camera.... but I shall contain myself and keep saving my pennies! :-)
I didn't want this post to end!!!!!!
LOVED it...so much.
Beautiful pictures...beautiful people, and
lots of warmth and love in every picture. FABULOUS....
have a wonderful summer!!! Can't wait to read all about it.
Kara Brown
What a great post-I love how you capture life with your family and friends.
Looking forward to more of your yummy do-able recipes!
Such beautiful pics. Congrats on your lo's graduation, I know I'm going to be SUPER sentimental when my firstborn goes off to school!!! Can't even think about it now haha.
Love the soccer pics...I'm of Argentine descent so soccer runs in our blood lol..Can't wait to see my girl play her first game :)
I am also a stay at home kind of girl these days and also a pillow girl, so those tidbits made me smile. I am also a real housewives fan (to my own constant bewilderment lol!)so that magazine looks very tempting ;)
omg. I love all the pictures! The shoes are TO DIE FOR. And the ones of you and Kelle and all y'all's friends at the movies were super cute. The kids are so sweet. Congrats to Peyton for graduating. I love summer too. Hooray!
I love the capri suns out of the purse, hysterical! We have the same Mustang power wheel. So weird to me to think that another family is doing what we're doing-just taking a little ride around the neighborhood! Have a great week, all the way from Nebraska ;)
It took me twice to get your through your blog today....I was so filled up with tears the first time thru, I had to wait to get home and read it again, where I could let the tears flow!!! Thinking about our littles making their way into the school system....They say change is inevitable and good...but I just wish my babes would stay this sweet forever!!!
Your babes are ADORABLE!!! Peyton is simply stunning and Beckham with those eyes will certainly break some hearts over the years!!
I loved your last year post....Your list of 33 things! Such a great idea- and it really hold you accountable for your future hopes and dreams...I am going to get me one of those!!!
First one- LA next week...all the way from Prince Edward Island, Canada- Cant wait!!
Another wonderful post!!!
BTW- I cant wait to see what recipes you will post....I tried your Dill, Caper and Chicken dish....DELISH!!! It was even better then it looked!!!
My kids loved it and kept asking for more chicken!!!
A definite keeper!!!
I love a big fat juicy post filled with amazing photos!! this was a good one!!!!!!!
the soccer pics were so adorable! that little determined face... love that!
how lucky you are to have friends just like you -- the shoes -- dying!!! I think we would have too much fun shopping together -- I'm a slight shoe-a-holic myself... I mean they always fit and it's not like I'm gaining a size right?! what's not to love?!
Get to Michigan quick!!! Need to do my post this week too Cait Bug graduated from pre K last week too and yes I cried...i also told Tony we need another baby as i am not ready for my baies to be grown up! Then I gathered myself and decided I was slight insane for a second :-)
I tried your cinnamon bun recipe awhile back and it was DELICIOUS! And I made my tuna sandwich the way you suggested! :) The pictures are so great. Your husband looks so proud sitting there beaming in the crowd with the camera during the pre-k ceremony! The soccer pics are great too!
PS- you asked what we were doing and although we don't know each other, we are doing: planning birthday party for my 2 year old, pool, beach, gardening and running in the hose, baking... Fun blog, thanks for sharing!
oh man, i lost my comment.
i responded back to a few comments...
h-so glad you tried a couple recipes. love hearing that someone else enjoyed them:)
sharone, thank you, i hope you are snapping away with that new camera of yours! and i know...the shoes!! it's so fun! xoxoxo
jill-ha, that never happens to me either. the stars were aligned that day. ha!
kara-thank you so much:)
simple things- i would love that recipe!!! love the name!!
becky in nebraska-same stuff, miles apart. so cool.
rhonda- tears. thank you.
i'm so glad you like that chicken. i am once again on the clean eating diet/way of life...blah blah...
my husband grilled a bunch of it for me last night, so i'm hooked up for a few days. i am addcited! xo
thank you all for the sweet words. they make my day. xoxoxo
jen!!! have another!!! omg, that would be great! i want another soooo badly. we could rock out three kids. easy:) xoxoox
Wowzers...this is probably my favorite post of yours...EVER! your photos are just..hmm...well another word mr webster is gonna have to think up because every word i try to apply just isn't enough! i guess heavenly is as close as it comes.
i love all the pictures but the one of peyton and beck riding in their little red car is my fav...they are beautiful kids and congrats to peyton on graduation!
how do you take such great pictures inside...mine are good when i use natural light outside but not so great inside..do you use a flash??
our summer started with some days in lancaster pa with the amish, i got some awesome photos . next stop is geneva on the lake in ohio..then we are going to hersey pa to spend some time at chocolate world..yummy! i love summer.
I am coveting Peyton's sandals, seriously want those!
As usual L-O-V-E the photos...am trying to convince the husband that we NEED a DSLR for when the baby comes. Obviously it is on the list of must haves for new babies right??? Crib,Camera,Diapers...obviously it comes before diapers. DUH!
I wished I lived in Florida so I could get you and Kelle(tag team photogs!)to take some preggo pics for me! Sigh.
I came back again to read this post. One of my all time favs.
:) xoxo
ha..i came back to read one more time as well!!!
you know i clicked into your 33rd birthday post...loved it! you know i think if we lived close we would be great friends..i like much of what you like and i think you would adore the farm! much of it is the craftsmen style...i always loved the craftsmen houses we would see when we went to ohio, so when i redid the farm i did what i loved.
your peyton is going to be as beautiful as her mommy! enjoy your weekend...i am heading to ohio this weekend to begin a two week vacay with family..life is so good! ♥
Holy mega post with awesome pictures galore! I can't stand it! Actually I can and I love it! Love the soccer pictures; brings me back as a young tot. Ahh, the memories you're making for you little ones are life long!! xoxo
oh, what a great summery post, heidi!! i thought i already commented on this post, but i guess not?! and a big ole high-five to you for having the capri suns in your bag ... don't you just love when something like that happens? yep, me, too!! your pictures are just stunning. my favorite in this post? i'm gonna say the one of peyton's little legs dangling down from the pier she's sitting on, just LOVE that one! oh, and the b&w one of your hubby and beckham, you know, the high-five one!
happy, happy day, friend ...
ps - my camera is shit! you are gonna have to hook me up with some camera-buying tips!!
Are you kidding me..your blog header is simply wonderful!! Love the bright colors with the kids b/w photos.
Jill B (Overland Park, KS)
Heidi! I havn't kept my blog up! I just revisited today and saw your second comment (like what, more than a month ago??) I will go back, I will post! I am still an avid reader on your blog, coming back almost daily for a sip of inspiration from you! Ahh Summer, your pictures are awesome, your enthusiam (totally butchered the spelling on that one) is exciting and oh how I lauged at your post of the pizza shop! Thanks for continuining to write and blog and inspire!!!
just thought i'd stop by and see if there was anything new AND ... i found a new header!! super cute, heidi!! i'm talking some super creativity ... where did you get the inspiration for that one?
it's late, almost midnight here, and i just tucked my littles into bed, all three of them. tammy and i went to a concert tonight with all six children in tow ... yup, you heard me right, two moms and six kids!! our hubbies are enjoying a night in chi-town for mark's bachelor party.
anywho ...
we were talking about you and kelle as we lugged our kiddos and gear back to the car at the end of the show! (tammy and i each had a sleeping little in our arms) it was exhausting, but so much fun!
Beautiful new header indeed!!!
And can I say your Hubby is definitely the proudest Daddy in the bunch at that Pre K graduation!!!!
With that mutual love for those BEAUTIFUL BABES...I say what are you waiting for .... have ANOTHER already ;) but no pressure ;)
just checked in to see how father's day was... didn't find a new post but did see an awesome new header!! love it!
I love your pictures and I absolutely love the ABC cards on your wall, where did you ever get those? I love how old-fashioned they look!
ok, i must know...where did you get the gold sparkle/glitter shoes??....LOVE them!
those pics are awesome!!!
the pizza place is where billy & the kids go on an almost weekly basis...Napoli on the Bay - Billy grew up going there as a boy to eat pizza!!! we love that place!!!!
great post heidi!!!
love this post! all of it!
so i could feel the anxiety as i read about peyton's little graduation.. soooo not ready for that!
the family pic at the graduation of the four of you - SO GREAT! what a good looking family!
and i love the soccer pics.. so cute!
oooo and the movie pics too.. all of it! all of it i LOVE!
ooh oh oh oh oh.. one more thing...
i love the new header too!
and you're leaving for the summer?? is your hub a teacher and gets the summers off?
i bought the shoes at forever 21. think they were like 20 bucks. they kinda hurt a little though...but sooo fun!!!
i will check the brand and get back to you. i love them too. i bought them in an artsy town in downtown lansing in michigan. they are made to look vintage or are have been replicated from older ones.
the new header...thank you,
peyton saw it the next day and was all...
"wow, mommy how did you make me do that? i'm layin on the letters. hahaha. i felt like a rockstar in that moment:)
hi pnut!!!
no, jeff is not a teacher, he is a financial advisor so he is able to travel. he has an office in michigan and many of his clients love there so he'll be working when we are not doing something with the fam! :):)
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