Tuesday, October 19, 2010

down on the farm...in florida!

sometimes you are so busy that you think if one more thing lands on your 'to do' list...you may just lose every one of the balls you've been juggling. in fact, one may even hit ya on the head on the way down...about knocking you out.

so now, your on the floor with a massive headache with no hope of anymore lines cutting their way through your to do's. then, your three year-old will think you are on the floor to play, so he'll climb on your back and hold himself up by clutching onto your neck and right about now you'll black out...

okay, ya get the message. i'm talking about nearly everyone i know right, but mostly about me because, well...this is my blog. and i'm. in. the. weeds. BAD.

and what do you do on a completely free sunday?

a. work for ten hours straight making a small but significant dent in your weed garden,

b. take a much needed nap to rest up for all the work you will triumphantly complete that day especially because you just recovered from mild flu like symptoms,

c. on a whim...take a two-hour road trip to bradenton, florida to take in a pumpkin patch...FLORIDA style!

if you answered (a)...you don't know me very well.
(b)...well, i don't blame you. that nap sounds good to me now and it's in the past.

and we corn mazed it through the florida sun where peyton lead us through the corn stalks. dirt making it's way into our shoes and hands and everywhere.

quiz: *how many ears of corn will one stalk produce?
**how long can a mama lug her newly sick baby boy around a corn maze?
(answer at the end of post)

but it was beautiful!

the sky was a vision of blue and white.

peyton chose thee BEST pumpkin of all...


for nella, of course. a baby pumpkin. nella loved her little gift from my thoughtful girl.

"see, i told you she would like it, mama!"

this farm was amazingly huge with tons to do and eat! i caught kelle and rebecca eating...chocolate dipped bacon...yeah you heard me. they liked it. me? i like my bacon and my chocolate seperate of one another, but it was a huge hit.

we ate bright blue and green snow cones,

had our faces blinged out,


and loved on rebecca (one of kelle's best, oldest, dearest) we love her too!

beckham took this!

beckham and lainey were on a chaperoned date...those two...seriously, it's love!


we danced at the boogie barn.


and we shook our stuff...rodeo style.


auntie kelle and peyton had a dance-off!

and after a quick cool off under those cool water things they have at amusement parks...
we ate smoked corn-on-the-cob and made it out in time to be home for bath a (or two).

i think i made the right choice!

*one ear of corn!
**not long enough it seems by the amount of crying/whining we had to endure at the beginning of our day. thank goodness for bright blue shaved ice...all's i can say.

and a sneak peek for one of my oldest, dearest, and bests. chrissy's baby may as well be part mine i love her so. baby marley is so smart and sweet....and beautiful.



i have a birthday party to plan...my baby will be...
six. years. old.

i can't believe it. my little baby girl. my sweet little baby...



Rebecca said...

I love that you wore big necklaces to the farm! Last week at Thanksgiving I was the ONLY Momma rocking jewels at the farm! Another Marley! This morning one of MY besties had her second child and my second Goddaughter and named her Marley Joy! Just seeing the name makes my eyes tear! What a wonderful way to plough through the weeds! Though I'm in desperate need of some help cuz motivation is lacking! AND I'm the first commenter! Woot Woot! xoxo Chicka!

Patti said...

I saw pics of your kids over on Kelle's post today and thought, "I hope Heidi blogs about this too!" cuz I wanted to pay a compliment to your beautiful kiddos but that would be a lil' awkward on someone else's blog:) Peyton looks ADORABLE. I love the way you dress her.
when I first saw the bacon I thought it was paired with peanut butter- which looked yummy (when I'm pregnant.ha.). but chocolate? um, I'm with you!
You look beautiful as always..I think you're secretly a European model posing as a mommy;)
Happy fall!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sad I kinda lost touch with you a bit, but twas nice to catch up this post :) You are a stunna!! Lovely photos as usual, didn't even doubt.

Aww, baby girl turning 6!!! Craziness! I have a 2 year old in a few weeks, time flies.


iColossus / Monster said...

Peyton looks like she had a growing spurt...is that the case?!

Girl, you don't know how to live. Bacon, chocolate, and Tabasco sauce is my favorite sandwich.

OK, actually it isn't, I just made that up but in highschool, my favorite sandwich was bacon and peanut butter with the sandwich dipped in the bacon grease. Very Elvis of me.

Great pics as usual, sorry that Beckham wasn't feeling good but love his Batman face!

Have fun planning the party!

Miss you lots and lots and lots.

XO xoxoxoxoox XO

Maria said...

Such fun posts at this time of year. I know I complain about the weather in NJ but nothing beats the bluest sky when the air is crisp. I love the colors of this season, too.
How friggin' cute are all those kids? Beckham & Lainey are soooo cute together. They're all just gorgeous!

April said...

Aw, sista, I hear ya (and as a matter of fact, I'm right there with you!) Right about now I am so sick and tired of being a parent and working on a to-do list of things that gotta get done before the winter hits! I just wanna be a kid again with no responsibilities (or I'd even take minimal.) I just wanna have fun ... ALL THE TIME!!

I have to say, very beautiful pictures! That sky along with the green corn, just gorgeous! I am such a sucker for countryscapes. Oh, and that tutu girl ... seriously, just adorable!

Love to you,

Kelle said...

Dying laughing at those pics. Ha ha. Oh, they are beautiful. I love the one of B and L and how much they love each other.

Mrs Mason said...

Look at you all - like models! Absolutely gorgeous! Great photos, but you knew that!
H xx

Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

These pictures are gorgeous and you sure do make Florida fall look like the north :) Makes me glad because Texas fall is just like FLorida's...non existant! The pics of everyone dancing and of all the kids were priceless.

Angie said...

Love all the pictures! And your kiddos are too cute :) Looks like you had a great time. That place rivals anywhere we've gone here in 'the heart of it all!'

xoxo, Angie from Ohio

Anonymous said...

I love Peyton's skirt. So autumn and hip! Where'd you get it? I love Batman on your other cutie patootie face too! I hear you on the to do list... sometimes I choose a nap which feels divine in the moment and don't get anything done... which makes me depressed/guilty later if I let it...ahhh... choices, choices... I think you are stunning and your photography is beautiful, creative, and unique. A bright spot in my day! You don't know me but right now I'm supposed to be transferring from a 3rd shift job to a 2nd shift job in retail...I'm kind of in between at this moment... and my anxiety is very high... bc although it will be nice to sleep at night, I'm afraid I will get overwhelmed with all the people in the store... and I don't do well with nonsense and gossip and drama that tends to increase with the more people in a store...and if I don't have a job, I struggle to stay above water both financially and mood-wise...sorry, I'm rambling... but anyway, I just wanted to thank you for your blog and photos and words... they make me :0)... much love, M-V

P.S. I can't believe one stalk of corn only creates one ear of corn! That's why corn is so good... it is preciously prepared...

Sallinger said...

Yes, seriously it must suck to be gorgeous all the time! :) Love all of this!

Mica said...

We're headed to Hunsader Farms this weekend! I love that pic of Kelle nursing in the background. I'm probably the only one to notice that, but I love seeing a Mama not afraid to nurse in public!

Anna Ruth said...

I love all the fall pictures. It's good sometimes to walk away and enjoy life and the day off with your kids.

Sarah said...

Clearly, you made the right decision!! Beautiful pics!!

Amie said...

LOVE B's mask! Too cool.

And how cute are L and B together??

The photos are beautiful. So inspiring...

Aysha said...

Awesome day ... beautiful pictures! I sure hope you and Kelle are blogging in 20+ years; I am dying to find out if B & L will be dating. Those two are just too cute :)

Kris said...

Oh yes, the clutching until you pass out. I know it, I know it well. lol
I think you made the right choice for sure. What a fun place! And fantastic pictures as always!
Happy party planning! It will be wonderful. They grow up way too fast though!

Heidi said...

rebecca! congrats on your new goddaughter! love the name;)

pattie...blushing. you are so kind to say that. especially when i wasn't feeling all model-ish that day.


nads, my tummy lurched...i'll be calling to confirm that mean choice!!! ha. miss you.

maria, april, becky, mrs mason (love that name)...thank you. xoxoo

mica, i noticed it but didn't say anything wondering if anyone would notice. i love that photo bc there is some real life happening in it.

ashymartin...ha. k and i always say that we are going to have to fight over who gets to plan the wedding!!! that would be amazing!

everyone, thank you!


sdm said...

I love Fall & I love that you celebrate it Florida style!! and even better that you were decked out to go to the pumpkin patch!
hope Beckham is feeling better... he looks so sweet!!
just curious... where were Nella's clothes?! LOL!!

Daniele said...

God I love those hangy mossy trees you have down there...lol, what are they called? ;D
I was watching a movie not too long ago set in Louisiana and I saw them and was like "Jeff, we need to go down to Louisiana so I can see some hangy mossy trees!" hahaha

P-nut said...

terrific~ so glad you chose the pumpkin patch rather than work!! life is too short! and these days with your children are short too! someone told me once "the days are long but the years are short".. i live by that!

i love allthe pictures in this post.. the pic of you and kelle's friend that beckham took is beautiful.. you are so stunning heidi!

and i love hte picture of you and your kdis in b&w.. esp kelle in teh bg just standing there with her shirt up feeding nellabean like no biggie.. ha ha... i love natural it all is... you guys are all so special and i love reading about your lives and seeing all the pictures of the fun stuff you do!

can't wait to see peyton's bday pics! i hope she has an awesome day!

Kacey Haffner-Bruce said...

what a great time! i take for granted where I live sometimes and the abundance of pumpkin patches over here in seattle..

heather said...

Love your blog! Your pictures are amazing!

Kelly Hutcheson said...

Holy moly, that place looks like the bomb-zola! Looks like it's worth the trip and dropping all those balls. I always hated juggling anyway! xoxo

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