Wednesday, October 27, 2010

six and an ARTIST party! (and a very long post to remember it by!)

my girl is six.

the day crept on us. even though i knew it was going to still surprised me when at 3:21 pm on friday afternoon, i looked at peyton and said...

peyton mae, you just turned six years old and six years ago right now, we were in the hospital and i held you for the first time. (peyton likes the hospital details!)

a proud smile spread across her face and i had to hold back the warm and stinging sensation that usually ends in a melted and red face of smeared make-up. i held it together...because she was just so happy to be six.

a stroll down a memory lane...
3rd birthday dressed as cinderella! (and my first attempt at a scrapbook page done a few years you can see;)
(ooh, i miss the milk bottle stage so much)


peyton and her cousin, sophie who are the same age and so special to one another!




4th birthday (vintage barbie.)

morning of her 6th birthday...

an excited little girl did a little happy dance for me before she left for kindergarten!



"mommy, are you coming to my school today? are you bringing me cupcakes? are you going to stay with me?"

yes, yes, yes! i am pretty sure she was excited!




so i nursed my sick self with hot tea, honey, and sinutab and was able to stand long enough to make these little cupcakes in honor of my little rockstar...




this cupcake idea came from my new favorite cupcake book. it was easy, time consuming and i was covered in silver sugar, but it was worth it. (even if i was too sick to go to class for the party...daddy & beckham went instead. rumor has it that my little beckham handed out the cupcakes to each and every student!

happy birthday sweet girl. we love you. so. much. we are so lucky that we have you in our lives because you teach us, make us laugh, and drive us crazy...hey, i'm being honest! we love it that way. we hope all your wishes come true! we are so proud of the sweet hearted, sensitive little girl you are.



next, we began preparing for the joint birthday party. an ARTIST Party! we decided to do a joint party this year. the economy forcing us to make concessions, and you know what? i love it. forces me to be creative and make my dollar count. so to save time and money, we tried to keep it simple with homemade details, but when you are working with color...everything looks good!


we made a paper chain. a pack of primary colored card stock, a pair of scissors, and a stapler and...bam, a festive touch for only...$4.99- the cost of the paper! this was one of my favorite details. change colors with your theme!


we made tablecloths out of painter's cloth!



we hung from ladders, splattered a kaleidoscope of colors on painter's cloth (two for $10 at home depot), and decorated the driveway with messages and artwork to welcome our party guests...



some of us...painted our limbs...


we entertained the neighbors with our flips and ate chex mix off the sidewalk...but, it was a fun day!

oh, and i about made out with the ups guy for delivering my big box of party goods just in time for the celebration. (that was a joke)

in between, my procrastination nature took over. do you ever have like a gazillion things to do and in between getting those done, you find some new task to start without completing the prior jobs? and i'm not talking about doing some little task, like feeding the dog (no, we don't own a dog), making a sandwich for your starving and neglected children. no, those are easy and quick.

i decided to go through 6 years of photos and sort them into little piles on my living room rug beneath unsticky post-its.



there is something wrong with me. seriously. at one point a friend who knew what i was doing finally said, "what the hell are you doing? you are crazy! do that later."

but i didn't.

guess that's why i was behind on saturday morning, huh?

thank goodness for a husband that is a pro at honey-do lists and a look-a-like who doesn't (very much) when i boss her around in a controlling, manic-detail oriented way. i swear, i should name the person i become about two hours before a party...

maybe monica. yes, monica gellar from friends. i'm pretty sure she rocked it out in the same manner. okay, i was monica for a couple hours. i apologize for her behavior, but come on...she wanted her lavendar tinted fronting be in fact, lavendar. not orangey purple...

moving on to the good stuff.

if love is in the details...then there was a lotta love goin' on saturday afternoon. i am not only speaking of the kaleidoscope of colors that was our home, but our family and friends that came to be with us for peyton and beckham's birthday.

the house was filled with kids, babies, noise, music, art, it was perfect! quaint and lovely. i would have loved to invite everyone we knew, but we kept it small and it was still full of energy!




we cut art palettes out of clean cardboard and i mixed up different colors of tinted frosting and used a round tip and a ziploc bag to create the look of tubed paint. added a paintbrush and the kids created a tasty work of art!




add a few different color and shape of sugar and decorating sprinkles because the kids love that!



we painted faces...with the wrong paint (acrylic vs face) therefore we had to scrub off exactly one layer of skin off of each kid...but they did look cute.


we crafted on big letters..the first letter in each child's name:


we drew big letters on paper and asked the kids to decorate them with buttons, paint, glitter, pom poms, feathers...i attached my kids' letters to their bedroom door...P for peyton and B beckham!




we celebrated and the kids ran wild and crazy and fun!




we laughed a lot...but mostly at jeff and heather...


my crazy irish jig dancing sister. it's tradition with heather and i to do this dance for my the middle of the front of anyone who may be watching. you see, he lives in a senior home on the 4th floor. and when we leave, he opens his window and sticks his head out and waits for us to do this dance.

many times a group of people have watched us jig our dance in the snow. once a fire truck full of fireman, drove by and beeped the horn...for us to get out of the street. seriously?!

anyway, it's for my gramps but heather and jeff did it for the family at a random moment during dinner and it was hilarious...


heather checking on the girls. making sure they didn't do a jig of their own.




beckham having a convo with 'ice cream!' he loves his nella bean.



we made our cupcakes look like little works of art!








marble painting that we didn't get to as the kids kept themselves busy with the other two crafts and each other.


my kids adore auntie hi-o and so do i.


okay...not sure what my face is about at all. oh my goodness...laughing. i think that was when i was taking credit for gifts i didn't buy. ha.

we sang...






going home gifts were put together in these plastic paint cans that i found at ac moore for a buck each!!! regular price at michaels and joann is $4.99, i just got lucky. jenn, thanks for this awesome idea!

oh, and we ate! i will be posting the entire menu and it's recipes on the next post! a fall inspired menu!

happy birthday to my babies! beckham is not yet four...but he is begging to be, so soon enough i'll have a 4 and 6 year old running the house.

i can't believe it.

enjoy the sleepless nights, the midnight feedings, the lack of 'me' time, the smelly milk bottles, and the grocery store tantrums...because with it you get baby breath, baby cuddles, unlimited kisses and love, and the firsts that come with a new baby...

and so much more.

it's true. time flies when you are having fun.

love in the moment. i'm working on that because amazing clarity comes while watching your kids grow up.


the next day the kids played with their new toys. all of them. it was a lazy, tv-less day filled with installing batteries, building tracks, and getting barbie fitted for her new wedding gown. it was a perfect day.



(kelle and heather, thanks for grabbing the camera and taking many of these photos. love yous)

and to our family and friends for making a special day even more so by just being here.



Patti said...

What a fun and colorful party! You put all my parties to shame:) I laughed out loud at the wrong kinda paint on the face story. Peyton looks so happy to be 6...say, I have a real cute little 6 year old guy who I could hook her up with;)
You're such a sweet mama!
And yay for your scrapbook pages!
I tried your pizza tonight- the recipe from months ago- it was SO yummy!! I left a comment back on that post about googling EVOO. duh. Anyway- love your pictures as always.

Anonymous said...

Well friend if that jig that you do for your grandfather is anything like the little number you did in Kelle's video I would imagine seeing two of you doing it would stop traffic!! I think I might even pee myself if I saw it!
Love the cupcakes, we just picked up the Martha Stewart cupcake cookbook and we love it almost as much as Hello Cupcake..Next on our list is What's New Cupcake. Don't you just love cupcakes..they are a form of art as far as we are concerned! Gracee wants to do the ones that look like an ear of corn next.
Oh this post was so full of color and lovely happy faces...I just never get tired of your inspire! Happy birthday to your six year old Peyton!!! Loved the pictures of her dancing before school with brother Beckham watching...PRICELESS...those are the moments in life where you just want to pinch yourself just to make sure all the loveliness of the moment is real!! ♥

Mrs Mason said...

Hey Heidi - I'm going to be 40 next year - could you do my party too? Looks like you all had a fab day


Kelle said...

Holy Long Post!

The party was beautiful and thoughtful and I'm so sad Lainey couldn't be there to enjoy the details, but so happy we were. Happy Birthday, Peytie Cakes and Becks...we love you so much! xoxo

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful party! You are one creative Momma! I adore the painted cupcake idea. I actually adore the idea of EATING the painted cupcakes! lol.
Happy Birthday to Peyton! Now that we've reached 3 and 5 everything else seems like a breeze. I have another year to process having a 4 and 6 year old!
Feel better soon!! xo

Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

what a gorgeous, creative party! man you really outdid yourself but oh how it was worth it. i love it all and the colors and all the treats...omg. my girls would LOVE a party like that. i'm so not crafty enough but wow...thanks for some ideas! happy birthday to peyton!!!!

Maria said...

Heidi~a post worth waiting for..I was salivating for a new
What a colorfest!! God Bless You - as if throwing a kid party wasn't stressful enough, you add paint & glitter & homemade garland & frostings of many colors - just beautiful. I loved it!! I'm sure precious Peyton will never forget it.
U R O C K!

heather said...

That is the cutest birthday party idea! I am gonna have to steal that one for one of my kids. You rocked out every detail and I love it. I need to figure out a name that fits me a few hours before birthday parties (or any party I am hosting) and family picture day. It would be a mix between Monica and a really ornery, stressed person. And those glittery, silver cupcakes are amazing!
P.S. My older sister is a Heidi too. :)

Anonymous said...

Must get this cupcake book! Love the rockstar cupcakes! I might just have to plan an adult karaoke party just to make these!

My kiddos birthdays are just a month apart and so far we've been doing the joint bday party thing. They are just 2 and 4 so it works for now...and hope to continue as long as they let me.

Your party decor looks amazing. Love how they each got to "paint" their own cupcake! I laughed so hard about your sister checking on her "girls" after the jig. Also, laughed about acrylic vs. face paint until I wondered if Peyton might not appreciate that!

Great update...full of color and fun!

Jill B (Overland Park, KS)

Anonymous said...

Happy 6th Birthday Peyton! Your party looked amazing!

Heidi, you are an awesome Mama, throwing a party, making rocking cupcakes and everything else while you are sick!

Love your jig, and Heather checking on the girls! Please upload a video of you and Heather doing your jig for Grandpa, would love to see it!

Have a beautiful week, the sun is coming out more and more here now, almost summer, and almost winter for you, can't wait to see more fall and winter photos!

Rhonda said...

Aww...what a wonderful memory of a special time!! Your cupcakes with the mikes are wonderful and those artist palettes are great!!!

You may just win Mother of the year for this party!!

Loved all the bright colors and fun. The pic of P & B with the bottle...LOVE!!!
Glad you had a great day celebrating!!

Sarah said...

What an AWESOME party!!! You are a fabulous mommy!!!! I am seriously impressed with the cupcakes...I love your honesty about the fact that they were time consuming:) Happy Birthday to your kiddos!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that looked like the best 6th birthday party a little girl could ask for :) Great job mommy, and all the helpers along the way!

You've definitely given me some inspiration for my upcoming birthday to plan. I love the take home gifts, neat idea!!


iColossus / Monster said...

OMG, what an AWESOME idea for a party! Would be PERFECT for all the artist I have in our home. At this moment (at 9:50pm on a Wednesday night) our two little guys are drawing and taping up their drawings ALL OVER THE KITCHEN. Which is better than drawing with crayons on the wall, which I caught them doing a few minutes ago, naughty naughty.

LOVE the cupcakes....SO much fun, Heidi!

I'm sure you are still exhausted...I'd be after planning the party and dealing with the aftermath, ha.

I wonder who's beer that is on the table, hmmmm?!!!! HA! I wish I was there. I love kid's birthday parties that have beer for the grown-ups. It's the ultimate act of hospitality!

Love the Peyton retrospective. Wow, what a cutie she was and is!

Great pictures, great party. Well done, Mama!

Miss you, love you.

Aysha said...

Awesome party Heidi! The colours and details looked amazing. Your kids are so very lucky to have you as their mama. Happy Birthday to your littles :)

Amie said...

Looks like the perfect party! I laughed about the wrong face paint...TOTALLY something I would do!

Oh, and Peyton looks more and more like her beautiful mama every day!!

Annette said...

Heidi love reading your blog! I wanted to let you know Jodie, my sister in law is selling the most adorable hats on ESTY check them out under seller JODRAE! Olivia is her model!!!!
Miss you!

Anna Ruth said...

I'm so glad you posted birthday pictures. The colors are just beautiful.

Nadine said...

Happy Birthday Peyton! What an awesome party you should be a party planner! Loved the handmade decorations, what a great idea!
And even though being Monica Gellar is kinda crazy, sometimes I wanna be just like her, that girl rocked party planning (and she always had a clean house :)) and so do you!

Kris said...

What a fantastic party! Kudos to you for all the little details. Sometimes people think I'm crazy because they say my kiddo won't remember all that....and you know what I say? I HAVE PICTURES! lol Oh, he'll remember. ;)
Happy Birthday to Peyton and Beckham!

The Manrings said...

yipppeee for a happy birthday party. what beautiful pics all the colorful cupcakes and jars of crafts. the paper chains are my favorite! looks like the birthday girl had just the best time! making memories with your family...nothing beats that! happy birthday peyton!! xo

Jen Bacarella said...

Happy Birthday to Peyton! Love the artist theme and all of the special touches they are so lucky to have you!

Miss you tons....xoxoxoxo

Someday I will unbury myself and call you to plan our Florida trip!

Sallinger said...

What an incredible party, and those rockstar cupcakes were just ridiculous!

The piles of pictures stacked in the living room under UN-sticky notes...TOTALLY something I'd do the week before a party. WHY!?? It's like all my organizing/creating comes out in one week and I realize how many things I need to catch up on...strike while the iron's hot. HA!! So, did you get that done? I bet that feels amazing, bravo :)

Good gracious I love your blog!

Tisha said...

what an inspired birthday party!! i am totally going to copy cat you for jonah's 4th! :) love all the colors and i love the idea of a joint party!

if my kids weren't 3 mos apart i'd totally do the same thing, bad economy or not. :)

Lisa Leake said...

I cannot believe she is 6!! Very cute party, but how could I expect anything less from Heidi!! :) I will be there Nov 21 for a few days and want a date with you!

P-nut said...

oh my gosh this is the coolest party ever! for a moment i wanted to be 6 and be at this party!!! i'm so gonna steal your cupcake painting idea! LOVE IT! SUPER COOL! can you tell me how you made the icing?

Unknown said...

What an adorable party!!!

Sian said...

so i'm kind of working back through your blog as I'm in love with it now lol but I had to comment. This party is genius! You have inspired me! i'm so doing this when my boy turns 4 (which I can believe will actually happen, time does go by when you are having fun) x

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