Monday, August 9, 2010

a day or two at the lake...

we've been away, which has been pretty apparent i am sure due to my lack of blog posts.

of course, i dreamt of all the posts my lovely vacation to northern Canada would make and then i would sit a minute too long in the within the windy lakeside resort and do one of many things we often do at evergreen resort ...take a lovely nap, play freeze ball, shuffleboard, or just hang with the family, or eat yet another canadian kit kat (they are the best. with more chocolate than the American ones and a tad melted from sitting behind the un-air conditioned sheet of glass in the candy shop...they are a polleti family favorite). mostly though, my time is
taken by doing things like this with my babies...
evergreen is place my family and i have been going for 22 years. the same families go every year which it makes it a special place where have watched our friends grow and have families of their own.

the smell of the lake and the sound our tires make from rolling onto the dirt roads after we drive through sauble beach and into awakens our senses and we are immediately thrown back to our childhoods where we played for hours on the bruce peninsula while our parents watched us from the comforts of their lawn chairs on the beach.

we all stay in cabins that pretty much look exactly the same as they did twenty years ago. no air or TV, just the wilderness and the...dinner bell. it rings at precisely at 8am for breakfast, 12:30 for lunch and 6pm for dinner. everyone stops what they are doing and they go running for the lodge where we all sit at the same tables that we sat in years ago. i often describe evergreen as dirty dancing without the dirty dancing complete with a talent show at the end of the week!

i have so many photos to post from our summer here, so i decided i would do a few posts a week for the next couple of weeks to catch up.

i walked into costco last week and my breath caught in my chest when i saw hundreds of fall wreaths for still my heart...FALL IS ON IT'S WAY and i can not wait!

next week i will make my way to yankee to pick up a few fall scented candles, to publix for their cinnamon scented brooms and colorful gourds, and to joann fabrics for silk leaves! the kids and i will collect pine cones and twigs and decorate our tables and hutches.

i will make a pot of chili a week and attempt to not burn pumpkin seeds. yes,'s almost here and i couldn't be more excited.

peyton and beckham have started talking about costumes. so far, and this is subject to change numerous times before october 31st, peyton wants to be a witch (and a mermaid) and beckham wants to be spiderman (i also heard iron man mentioned). we have so much to look forward to.

it's this time of year that i feel so grown-up and capable of running this little family i am blessed to call my own. so head on over to your nearest costco or craft store and get your fall wreath ready to hang over your door. throw in some fall scents and a few candles and you are officially ready to tackle the autumn season.

hint: if it's not cold where you live, for example florida, i will give you my little trick for faking your way into a chilly day of fall lovin' in the coming posts. i mean seriously, it's not like it's even really that close to fall. what kind of crazy person would blog so early about fall when summer's not yet over?!

a few photos from the lake we love so much with the people i love the most in this world...
we collect rocks and wood. crab claws and sand too.
when we aren't jumping from the highest, most fun sand pile in the world while in our pajamas,
we are playing simon says and what time is it, mr. wolf?

and my baby girl who is starting kinder in a couple of weeks. i almost can't talk about it because it makes me want to cry. cry tears of pride and happiness as well as those of loss. loss of that little baby i brought home almost six years ago. the safety and contentment of knowing i would have her all to myself until she started school. well, the time has come and my stomach is in knots and tears flow out of now where as i write even these few sentences.

watching her interact with others when she doesn't know i am watching fills me with more love and pride for her than she will ever really know until she has her own little one.
i love her so much and truly feel so lucky that she is my baby girl. i got my girl and now i have to let her go just a tad more than i want to this year.

our baby. our first. our little peyton mae. our sweetheart. you're growing up. we love you and are so very proud of the woman we know you will be.

on a funny note, we were in costco last week and she said, "mama, come here! i want to show you the ring i want beckham to get me when
we get married!"

oh, the girl chose a princess cut stone set in a simple tiffany setting of white gold. she does have good taste even if marrying her
brother is not the most popular choice for a husband! ha. love her sense of humor.

***and to end this post...i have good news, better news, and not-so-good news. good news is, i promise to post the giveaway on the next post. the better news is, we are having another giveaway the week of the 20th and i am super excited about it! so we have TWO giveaways coming up.

the not-so-good-news, i was supposed to have the giveaway details up today and i'm a loser. no excuse. if you're sad...check out the good news above, lol!

here's to new backpacks and freshly sharpened pencils, cheers!


Esther D said...

Sounds like a wonderful wonderful place to hang with family. I almost felt the fun you experienced!

Kate said...

OK loser I still love ya!!! LOL

Love Love all the photos in this post, so magazine perfect. Your photojournalism is always top notch.

Have a terrific week Heidi


Anonymous said...

Hey Heidi,

What an awesome looking holiday, I can tell it was filled with laughter and happiness! Loving the photos and can't wait to see more.

Have a great week!

Stef xx

Kiki said...

Really lovely pictures of your vacation and it sounds like evergreen really has a special place in your heart!

Love how you have been going there for so many years!

Rebecca MacIntosh said...

Oh I've missed your posts! Looks like you had an amazing time!!! And I laughed out loud because this week I told a friend I was counting down to that Fall scent and wool sweaters because I am slightly obsessed with Fall. Good things always happen in the Fall! :)
So happy to hear Canada was fun yet again!
xoxo :)

Sallinger said...

You are such a good mom, yay for new beginnings-school will be so fun! Can't wait to see "first day of school" posts :)

Daniele said...

That sounds so awesome to have a place where the whole family goes every year...wish we had that. I'll have to get on it and find a place we can all go every summer even if just for a few days.
I practically cry now thinking of my girl starting school, and she has two more years to go hehe. I felt the same way taking her home from the hospital, like she's all mine for five whole years...and now we're already more than half way through it and that gets me panicked. She is starting a soccer class next month. Knowing me I'll probably have tears in my eyes at that too. haha
Oh and funny you gush about fall today. Half of the facebook updates from my friends this morning were in line with that, like "can't wait for hoodies and football"...people are feeling it in the air I think even if it's still 90 degrees out.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post--I think every family needs a dose of Evergreen--pure, simple good old fashioned family fun---so good for the soul. btw.. I already cried because my niece started highschool yesterday--I will be such a mess next week with Sophie starting kinder and then Griff starts PreK on the 23rd--my baby-- breakout the waterproof mascara. Miss you so much--can't wait until you get home--let's make a lunch date asap! xo Jenn

Amy Grau said...

Looks like your time away was great -- nothing beats family trips where pajamas are allowed no matter what time of day it is and where meals are spent around familiar tables! I'm too counting the days until "Florida" fall -- secretly eying the autumn decorations, longing for the first hint of cooler weather (no humidity and a chance to open up the house) and the smell of pumpkin pies in the oven! Thanks for sharing the smile-filled photos too!

Amie said...

Great photos! I was thinking, even before you mentioned it, that it sounded like Dirty Dancing! So funny! I love making memories like these! Glad you're back!

Angie said...

I love traditions :) Going back to the same spot every year to make new memories alongside the that! And who says it's too soon to blog about fall?! It's my favorite...I've been anticipating it for at least a month now :) I can't wait to see the leaves start changing to their beautiful golden amber shades on our beautiful Ohio trees. My daughters first birthday is the first week of October and I've been looking forward to planning her fall party since she was born :)

Thanks for sharing your vacation with us :)

Anonymous said...

girlfriend you think you are a loser!?!!?!? how about this...i have not posted one thing to my blog ALLLLLLL summer i am officialy the biggest loser of all! I WIN! HA!

love the post friend, and gracee tells everyone she is going to marry her daddy...cracks me up when i see how people HUH!?!? ♥

Rhonda said...

Looks like the most wonderful place....great pics indeed!

Have you planned your ladies lunch for when your babes has her first day of Kindergarten?? I know it is the only way I will get thru the day. Tears and vino amongst friends and very fond memories of littles.

Glad you enjoyed your vacation in Canada!!!

Tisha said...

no better reason for not completing a post than spending time with the kiddos! love ya for doing it!

iColossus / Monster said...

Hey girl, MISSED you and your posts! Wow, what a great place Evergreen is, and you are so lucky to have a place like that to return to. Roots are a good thing.

Wow, Kinder for Peyton. Got one more year of preschool before our big guy goes, and I'm looking forward to this year of him being one of the "older" kids, which will be good for him.

Love seeing pics of you on the blog, by the way.

Love to you and your fam!

xoxoxo said...

Heidi, I am addicted to your blog now as much as I am to Kelle's! And I live only two hours away from that Evergreen Resort in Ontario. What a great trip for you every summer! I want to do something like that with my kids every summer. Maybe next year I'll meet you there and sip wine with you by the lake and you can tell me all about what it's like living in Florida, because I want to live there now! And it isn't going to happen anytime soon so I have to get over it!

I love your pics, I love your energy, I love your blog!

Kelly from Ontario

Brandy said...

You didn't drive there from Florida did you?!?! We go to a cottage on the Bruce I love it up there! I still have rolls of film from weekends there to develop!

Anna Ruth said...

What a great mom you are! Your kids are happy and growing up. Peyton is going to do great in school.

Kelle said...

I'm actually you relaxed and enjoyed and didn't feel pressured to put out a post. Missed them for sure but you had a perfect excuse to avoid the computer. The pics are gorgeous and it sounds like you had the dreamiest family time. But seriously? Come back. It's been FUH. EV. ER. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hey Heidi! Your summer at the cabin looks like exquisite fun. You have a beautiful family. It's great to see you back to blogging, I always enjoy your posts.

Tammy B said...

hey friend! I thought I commented on this...but, guess I was wrong! I remember your post last year from evergreen resort :) where does the time go exactly? Glad you are having a great time. But, bet you can't wait to get home. So excited to see those first day of school pictures!


P-nut said...

HEIDI! oh my! so i was reading your post and had to look twice! did she really say northern ontario?? THAT's WHERE I LIVE!
well, evergreens isn't exactly where.. and i did have to mapquest it but um you were only 3 hours from me!!! craziness!
you could have come over! ha ha!
next time you are out this way - totally plan a visit to niagara falls!
i'm only 25 min from there and the kids would LOVE IT! i had just emailed kelle belly last week the same thing telling her and her clan that they are welcomed too! HA! all of you - it would be SO fun!

glad you had a great trip with the family.. i totally teared up reading the part about peyton starting school.. oh the anxiety these children give us!! i'll be waiting to read / see the posts of her first day!

until then, enjoy every second with them :)

P-nut said...

HEIDI! oh my! so i was reading your post and had to look twice! did she really say northern ontario?? THAT's WHERE I LIVE!
well, evergreens isn't exactly where.. and i did have to mapquest it but um you were only 3 hours from me!!! craziness!
you could have come over! ha ha!
next time you are out this way - totally plan a visit to niagara falls!
i'm only 25 min from there and the kids would LOVE IT! i had just emailed kelle belly last week the same thing telling her and her clan that they are welcomed too! HA! all of you - it would be SO fun!

glad you had a great trip with the family.. i totally teared up reading the part about peyton starting school.. oh the anxiety these children give us!! i'll be waiting to read / see the posts of her first day!

until then, enjoy every second with them :)

Sarah said...

heidi...Iove this line:

watching her interact with others when she doesn't know i am watching fills me with more love and pride for her than she will ever really know until she has her own little one.

I feel this way about my 4 year old Anna Cate; she is so social and so out there and doesn't know that people can be anything but nice and loving. It is like my heart breaks and is full at the same time as I watch her venture into the world and interact with others.

How do you do the collages? or the side by side pics? WE went to the beach and I would love to do a collage for my blog with a bunch of pics in the water.

Heidi said...

sarah! just reading that line back brings me to tears. you are so right about watching them venture into the world...with clenched hands and a hopeful heart i watch her independence bud. thank you:)

okay, so heart attack about over. my blog has been out of order for two days and i have been on the phone with google/godaddy. whew. diane G is the chika to help you out should you need it at go daddy. i can finally get it in to my little spot. post coming as i couldn't post last night.

sarah, i use photoshop cs4 for my collages. they are 12x12 layouts. the side by sides are a 5x7 layout on a blank doc.

i used to use microsoft digital image suite which is SUPER easy, but discontinued. you can still find it on ebay though:)

i'll be back soon!

Malu said...

your blog has wonderful pictures and I just loved the treats ...
please send me the recipe of the apple pie...
Enjoy each second , lots of fun!


Sarah said...

Thank you soooo much!!!! I just tried a 30 day trial o photoshop so I'll give it a try. You are very generous; I can tell...And I ADORE THIS SONG!!! I shamelessly copied you and used it for my blog, but it is our new favorite song. Have a fabulous weekend!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are so goregous and the lake sounds so romantic... I love family traditions and fall time happens to be my all-time favorite time for them. Here's to fall time and all the goodness it brings with it! :)

Kelly Hutcheson said...

What a great trip! I love all the snuggling and fun pictures! Missed you and welcome home! xoxo

Sam said...

We spent a month in New England visiting family. I am also going through the process of unpacking and plugging back in to our everyday normal routines. We are still trying to enjoy every last minute of Summer before Fall is officially on the doorstep. I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing your family, photography tips and tried and true recipes.

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